Chapter 1

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I am going to be late.

I swear I am so unlucky with public transport. The bus is full which I'm presuming is why I am going to be late because the bus driver looks as though he is about to drop dead and has to put his glasses on every time someone needs change.

I love that new rules have been given to the school which means year 11 no longer have to wear uniform and we have our new locker system coming into place today. So here I am on the bus in light wash jeans and a grey vest top with a mustard colored cardigan and my white converse feeling slightly aware that people may judge my outfit but not actually giving a crap about that.

Finally after about 15 extra minutes on the bus it pulls up outside school and I grab my rucksack and put it on one shoulder.

Checking my watch it reads as 9.14.


Here goes 4 years of track practice to get to my form room.


17 faces staring at me as I walking into form out of breath and red in the face.

Don't get me wrong I'm not unfit - if anything I have quite a good stamina but when i have to carry around what will be the contents of my new locker, its not so easy.

"Rebel" I hear a shout from the middle row which is a voice I recognize.

"Mia you have a car - you have it so easy!" I stick my tongue out at my best friend Mia and laugh as a slump down on the seat in-front of her.

Mia and I have been friends for years and years we met due to us both getting detention for both getting into a heated debate in our English lesson.

It is safe to say that our debate got settled and as much as she wont admit it - I had the best points.

"Miss Wright... are you with us this morning?"

I jump up at the sound of our teacher Mr Smith shouting my name.

"Yes sir" I mock salute and keep my eyes peeled on the desk in-front of me.

"Well maybe if you were not so late you would know that you should be filling in your locker assignment form that's in-front of you" I see him cross his arms as my eyes refocus on the sheet that he is talking about on my desk.

I glance at my watch and realize I have 2 minutes to fill out this form.

Locker 32

Easy enough to remember.

I hand my form into Mr Smith and he gives me the code for locker 32 in return just as the bell chimes for what would be first lesson.

Due to it being the first day of the new rules we don't have normal lessons but we just go find our lockers fill them with our things, pick up our keys and then there is the school assembly at 2pm.

I say goodbye to Mia as her locker is 222 on the other side of the school.


Walking down the art corridor where lockers 01-100 are placed I'm searching for locker 32 while dodging everyone else who is doing the same thing.

28....30... tall guy in-front of my locker.

"Excuse me, you're in front of my locker" I explain

Why do i sound like a baby mouse?

"How do you know what a baby mouse sounds like?" A heavenly voice responds to what I thought was a comment in my head.

I look up to see the boyish smile of the tall guy and he's standing there with a raised eyebrow and if course i recognize him straight away.

Alex Reed.

Of course one of the "popular's" and he is my brothers worst enemy as they are both on the basketball team. He is a few years older than me- same age as my brother Nathan.

"I just know that I sounded like one" I shrug and shoo him to the side before opening my brand new locker.

"You could have been any animal and you chose a mouse?" He continues from behind my locker door.

Why is he talking to me?

"Because I like them?" I scan the inside of the locker and plan where everything should go

Why am I talking to him?

I unload my books from my bag into the locker but one slips from my fingers and heads for the floor but not before Alex catches it effortlessly and reaches over me and places it in my locker.

"Er Thanks, I'm clumsy" I look up at him and smile but find his eyes on the cheerleader who just walked by - typical.

"And i'm Alex, nice to meet you" he smirks and leans against the locker next to mine which leaves the door of my locker between us.

Why is he still talking to me?

"You too but my name is Ellie" I reach up onto my tiptoes to place my dictionary on the very top shelf as I know in reality I will never use it.

"Ellie" he nods and looks at me, tilting his head to the side almost quizzing my face. "Nice name, anyway Ellie I must be going now, I'll see you around" he kicks himself off the lockers and heads up the corridor and out of sight before I can even give him a response. Now he's gone I release the breath that I didn't know I was holding.

I continue to pack my things into my locker and me being prepared I have some magnetic photos made for the door of my locker.

One of me and Mia from last years trip to Wales, Me and my brother and a few candid's of myself and Mia.

I close up my locker and lock it before examining the people next to me, none of who I know but recognise them from a few of my classes.

From the lockers I find eyes trailing to the exit that Alex Reed just walked through.

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