knock knock

17 2 0

Come in.
See me,
Know me,
Not the chameleon facade I put up.
The facade that hides my real
And cares.
Cause the fact is I do care.
I care so much it hurts.
I feel as though my caring is,
A fiery brand carving into my soul,
Constantly reminding me,
I'm too weak,
I'll never make it,
I'm a waste of time,
I'm a waste of space,
I'll never be important,
I'll never be loved,
No one cares about me in return,
Even though I waste so much energy on caring for everyone else.
No one cares.
So that's why I put up my chameleon facade.
I act as though I do not care too.
Because maybe then no one will want to see me. The real me.
And I won't have to deal with the baggage of having the real me trashed by you again.

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