Chapter 6

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I raced down the stairs to pick up the phone. I flew through the kitchen and into the lounge to grab the reciver. I was so excited i was trembling. 

"Hello" I spoke down the phone

"Hey Zoe its Janey. How are you?" Janey said politely.

"Im great thanks, and you?" I asked 

"Yea im fabulous. Anyway I called to tell you that the boys flew in last night and they arrived at the airport just after you guys leftt the pub." Janey explained. 

"AGH thats great!" I replied. 

"They are back at our hotel. They are staing in a different room to us all. I was wondering if you wanted to come over this afternoon to meet them?" 

"Ummmm........OF COURSE I WOULD!" I screamed down the phone enthusiasticallly. 

"Ok, well they are here all day so do you wanna pop over at about 10 and you can spend the day here with us. Your mum and dad can come to if they want." 

"Sure i will be there at 10. Mum and dad can't come sadly becasue they are going to my dads cousins wedding, but im free to come." I said. 

"Oh thats a shame but she can meet them another time." Janey said 

"Yea sure, ok i will see you later........oh what rooms are you guys in?"

"Im in room 178 and i will take you to the boys room when you get here."

 "Ok great, i will see you then bye!"

This is so exciting. I was going to meet 5sos in less than 2 hours!! YEEEP! I sat on the sofa and turned on the TV to pass the time away. I flicked through the channels to see what to watch and I put it on the music channel. The song that next came on was 'Voodoo Doll' by 5sos, how ironic. I jumped onto my feet and was dancing around the living room and singing. 'Tell me where your hiding your voodoo doll cause i cant controll myself............whoa whoaaaaaa' As the song was drawing to an end my mum and dad walked in and they stood there staring at me. They both let out a little giggle. 

"Oh, morning." I said lookin slightly embarresed.

"Morning honey." Dad said smilig at me. 

"Oh, Janey phoned this morning and im going to the hotel later at 10 to go and meet the boys. Don't worry i explained that you couldnt go. She said it was fine and that you could meet them another time."

"Ok. have fun, we are leaving now. Have a good day and we will see you on Monday evening."

"Bye!" I called down the corridor after them. 

It was 20 to 10 and the hotel is about a 15 minute walk so i double checked i had everytihng in my bag. Phone, hairbrush, holister spray, keys and my purse. Once i had looked through my bag I headed out of the door. I locked it and threw my keys back into my bag, they jangled as i dropped them. I walked fairly quickey because i was so excited and i didnt want to be late of course.


I turned the corner down the street and saw the big sign of the hotel right in front of me. I walked into reception and stood at the front desk waiting for the receptionist to get off the phone and acknowledge me. This took a further 5 minutes! When she had finally finished having a natter and had noticed i was waiting she asked what she could help me with. 

"Hi, I am  hear visiting some people who are staying here. Can i go up to their room?"

"Yea, go straight up." She said with a smile. 

I headed up the stairs and down a chain of long corridoors. I looked on the doors to see if i could find the number room that Janey and the others were staying in. I had  no luck, so i carried on going. After a couple of minutes searching i found it. Room 178. I knocked on the door timidly, hoping i had definately got the right room. Bruce opened the door and invited me in. 

"Hi there Zoe!" Janey called out from the sofa. 

"Hey everyone!" I said. 

"Zoe shall i go ahead and take you to the boys room?" She asked. 

"Yes please" i said excitedly.

"Ok lets go!"

I followed her out of the room and we started to walk down the long corridoor. I wonder where the boys room is? i thought to myself. 

"Umm Janey, do they know that im coming? I asked nervosly. 

"Yep and they can't wait to meet you!"

phew! I was releaved. I didnt fancy knocking on 5sos' hotel room and having to explain who i was because they had no idea that i even exsisted. 

"Ok here we are!" Janey percked up. 

*Knock knock knock*

Janey knocked on the door and we waited a moment until i saw the door knob turn. 

"Hey Cal! This is Zoe, Mickeys cousin. You know the girl i was telling you bout. The one who adores you gys"

I blushed. Calum looked at me and smiled.

"Heya Zoe. Awesome to meet you, im Calum, come on in."

I melted at his Aussie accent. It was so dreamy and he was just WOW!

"Thanks Janey. I will see you later. Bye." I looked back as i walked into the boys room."Thank you" i said as Calum cloed the door behind me.

"Hey guys, we've got visitors!" Calum yelled in his dream boat accent. 

Micheal was the first to walk into the room, followed by Luke and Ashton.

"Hey look its my cousin i didnt know about." Micheal said as he came over and hugged me! 

Now it was Ashtons turn to introduce himself. 

"Hi there" Ashton gave me a big hug and i embrased the whole thing. It was magical. "Its great to meet you. Its gonna be great hanging out with you today and getting to know you......" Ash stared at me without saying anything. I smiled at him and he gave me a wink. I died inside!! 

"Hellloooooooo....Im luke." He leaned in to hug me. He smelled SUPER good!!!! Must be the aftershave. 

"Its so AMAZING to meet you guys. I am a HUUUUGE fan and i love you all so much!" I said as i blushed.

"Hey hold up! I didnt get a hug!" Cal said as he gave a sad pouty face.

"Here you go Calum" I laughed as i gave him a hug. "Is that better?" I giggled. 

"Yes much" He grinned at me. 

I knew already that we were going to have the best day ever!!!!!!! <3

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