Chapter 6

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Unedited ):

The boys so far have me convinced this party is going to be awesome. So I’m super excited for it! Cameron insisted on picking out an outfit for me, but I told him it was going to be a surprise. Nash laughed and pointed at Cam, and I told Nash he wasn’t going to help me either. He sat there and pouted. Now it was Cam laughing at pouty Nash.

Soon it was time for me to get ready. I literally had to drag the two out the door. It was hard with their huge muscles, but I managed. Once I pushed them outside I locked them out of my house. Then I skipped up the stairs to my awaiting closet.

Picking out an outfit is harder than it looks. I had no idea what I wanted to wear. All of my clothes were long because they’re for school. The past couple summers I hadn’t gone out much so I didn’t need clothes.

Then I swear a light bulb flicked on over my head. I got out my phone and called the only person that could possibly help me in this situation. I waited for her arrival. Time ticked by, not much time though. She knew how important this was. Finally the doorbell rang. I smiled wide and hoped out of my seat excitedly. I sprint down the steps before opening the door for Mahogany.

“Oh my gosh thanks so much for meeting me on such short notice, Mahogany,” I say.

She smiles at me, “No problem! Style is basically my life. If anyone is ever in need of help that involves fashion, I swear I’ll be there.”

We giggle at some dumb remarks we make to one another as we walk up my steps. As we approach my room Mahogany runs over to my closet without a second thought. She gasps and looks disgustingly at my closet. When she turns to look at me, I just shrug. I mean I’m not ashamed of my clothing. Although I could use a little help.

“First of all, we’re going to need some tools. We don’t have enough time to go shopping or go to my house,” Mahogany explains.

I raise my eyebrow at her, “What tools do we need?”

She sighs, “Get some scissors.”

“But why-,”

“Scissors,” Mahogany states. Ending the conversation.

With her last comment I walk downstairs to the cabinets and grab fabric scissors. I walk back up stairs to a freaking out Mahogany. I’ve never seen her like this. She snatches the scissors out of my hand. When I’m about to ask her what she’s doing she takes my white long sleeved shirt, and makes it a tank top. I let out a little gasp. The gasp also happens to sound like a dying animal. She looks up at me, seeming satisfied.

“Here, you now have a white muscle tank!” Mahogany exclaims, holding the shirt up to me.

I give her a small smile and take the shirt from her grasp. I stare at it for a couple minutes, I kind of like it. Although I’m not so comfortable with how you can see my bra through the side of it. When I look up at Mahogany she hangs me a pair of cutoff shorts. I look around her and see the pant legs of these now shorts. Poor pants.

“Hurry Alina! Go change so you can put on makeup and rock this party out!” Mahogany excitedly screams, tossing her arms in the air.

I rush out of the room and head towards the bathroom. I’m wearing a white bra so it’s not really noticeable. I put a small line of eyeliner on and some mascara on. That’s all I put on though, I’m not really into makeup. I turn on the straighter, but hear the doorbell ring. I groan, unplugging the straightener.

“Ugh my hair is wavy and ugly!” I shriek.

Mahogany rushes in and smiles at me, “Your hair looks perfect! Go put on some shoes and rock this party! I usually would go too but I’m going to meet up with some friends.”

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