Chapter 5

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~ unedited chapter ~

“Shit that’s my mom!” I whispered shouted.

The boys looked at each other. They didn’t seem to realize how protective and strict my mom was. To be honest I didn’t want them to know, or find out. Yet I was going to make sure they won’t.

They nodded after looking at each other for a while, and walked to the door. I quickly got up and scattered to the door. I protectively stood in front of my door, they weren’t allowed to leave this room.

“My mom is out there, there’s no way you two are leaving,” I explained sternly.

I had to show them I meant business. If I was my shy caring self they’d just push me out the way, right?

“Alright, what are we going to do then? Stay here over night?” Asked Nash.

Nash seemed kind of irritated. I don’t know why, but if it’s because of me then I could care less. I mean what did he expect? My mom grounded me for basically the rest of the summer, and there were boys in my room? I’d sure as hell would have a lot of explaining to do… if she was to find out that is.

“I’m going to go to sleep. You two are to go and hide in the closet. Please don’t talk, or laugh, and try not to sneeze or burp,” I pleaded to the two.

Cam nodded, not at all minding the idea of being stuffed inside my closet. Nash blew out a deep breathe, but walked towards the closet. The closet was a walk in closet, so they should be fine.

“What if your mom decides to walk into your closet?” Nash mumbled.

Cam gave Nash a glare, “Why would she just walk in to her daughter’s closet?”

Nash just shrugged and grabbed two blankets that were inside the closet. He lied down and went to sleep. Cam sat there staring at the ceiling. I was sitting in my bed, looking at the two. Then I realized I should shut the closet door. So I got up, and shut it. Then there was a knock on the door.

I mumbled a couple words under my breath and hopped into my bed. Suddenly my door was opened by none other than my mother.

“Mom,” I groaned, pretending to be effected by the light from the hallway.

“I’m very sorry it has come to this Alina,” My mother says to me, emotionless.

I raise an eyebrow at her, but of course she can’t see because of the lighting.

I sighed, “What are you even talking about?”

 She tsked at my response before responding for herself.

“I’m talking about you sneaking out and attending a party. What did you think I wouldn’t find out? I know everything that happens Alina. Not to mention this little shenanigan cost you your job, and summer vacation,”

With that last note, she shuts my door.

Well thank god that’s over.

I turn on my closet light and open the door. Cam looks confused and horrified. Probably because of my mother. Nash just looks bored. I sit down beside the two boys and try to spark a conversation. I did not feel like going to sleep.

“Sorry you had to overhear that,” I sheepishly say.

Nash just shrugs, as if he was used to listening to my mother be so bossy. Cameron however stares at me with a blank expression before surprisingly engulfing me in a hug. I hug him back and put my head in-between his head and shoulder. Normal friends do this kind of stuff, right? It didn’t seem to bother Cam, and I was glad because I really needed a hug.

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