~Chapter 29~Husband vs In-Law~

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~Meliodas's Pov~ 

That woman. No... That THING. She...it dared tried getting in my way. I have had enough of this. Of that thing of a woman, my own father, the Demon and Goddess Clans. Every single fucking time. Every time they would always aim for her. Out of the two of us, they always targeted her. They would make her die time and time again, the pain and suffering she has gone through...it was because of them. It was because of all of them. I've had enough of it. I've had enough of them targeting and harming MY WIFE.

"Demon Prince Meliodas" her cocky but calm voice echoed around us. It caused the Sins and my brother to come backwards, closer to the Boar Hat in case. The goddesses were all rushing away in fear, trying to get their injured far from this battle. The rage only built up more and more by the second. "So anyone wanna give a hint who the creepy voice is?" Ban soon asked, sounding annoyed. Most of the Sins wouldn't know who she was by voice. It was beyond rare that she would show up, meddle with this world or even bother with people. 

"Sadly it's the one who governs the Goddess Clan, the Supreme Deity" Zeldris soon answered getting the others to look worried. That was when I noticed Diane's face. That worry had turned into pure and utter rage like my own. Her grip on her war hammer Gideon was far tighter than when we first started this fight. "I would run back to your little cowards' corner Supreme Deity. I will kill anyone, even you if you get in my FUCKING WAY" I soon snapped. Demonic energy busting off my body.

I felt over half of my body had been covered by my markings. Years ago, I tried my hardest to keep calm, I tried to hide these markings, I tried to hide the rage that has built inside of me all these thousands of years. No more. I wasn't going to hide who I was anymore. I wasn't going to keep hiding myself and Elizabeth away just to keep those bastards happy. I planned on making my stand for good. This bitch, this fucking bitch wasn't getting in my way. "Demons will always act so fast to lash out" her voice echoed, a sigh following it. 

She really wasn't helping her own standing. It just took me to move fast enough, I was all ready to wipe out the whole Goddess Clan there and then. "Supreme Deity? More like Supreme BITCH! HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF A LEADER!?! HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF A FUCKING MOTHER!?!?" Diane soon snapped, shouting at the top of her lungs. It caused most of the Sins and my bother to jump from shock. No one was expecting her outburst. Not even myself. Only a very small handful of people lashed at this person.

No one ever wanted to anger this woman. People for some reason feared her. She's was a coward. Nothing more, nothing less. "Diane" I heard King speak in fear and worry for Diane's safety. King always cared for Diane so much but he also knew out of anyone Diane wasn't very scared to say what she thought of someone. The Supreme Deity started laughing, her voice only getting louder and louder. We didn't have the time for this. We had just under two hours lest at the least. These bastards. They always got in our way...

They always got between mine and Elizabeth's happiness together. For such stupid reasons. "Captain, what's the plan?" Ban soon asked me in a song like tune, he even was humming afterwards. That meant he liked the idea of fighting her. Ban always was up for a good fight. He couldn't die after all. He always was up for the idea of getting badly hurt, he did it to punish himself. This disgusting excuse of a woman was sadly my mother-in-law. Was sadly Elizabeth's birth mother. A huge person who's made her suffer. 

"Kill anyone who gets in our way" I answered, knowing that the timer was going down. I was Elizabeth's husband. I wasn't going to let them take her from me. I wasn't going to let them hurt her yet again. Zeldris was soon pointing out if too many of us left the side of the Boar Hat, then the Supreme Deity could easily blast it, killing Merlin, Elizabeth, Elaine and Hawk. He was yet again...sadly correct. "To think that there are people foolish enough to trust you, Demon Prince" that woman's voice only echoed again. 

This reminded me of all those years ago. When she and my father teamed up. When they put their curses onto me and Elizabeth. "He's more trustworthy than scum like you!" Diane snapped while I realised...this could work to our advantage. I didn't need to aim at that bastard Ludociel. Somewhere her power was being generated. We had to find it. I turned my head looking at my brother. He was looking at me in return. Both of us were thinking the exact same thing. We nodded our heads at each other slightly. 

I soon ordered all of the Sins but Ban to defend The Boar Hat. They were confused but nodded in agreement. Zeldris, myself and Ban started to move forward and fast. Zeldris ended up vanishing, moving faster than both myself and Ban. Ban wasn't 100% sure what was really happening but I was glad he was putting his trust in me. He knew that I had some type of plan. Two golden blasts came from the sky, one coming at me the other toward The Boar Hat. I heard Diane blocking the hit, ensuring me that she wouldn't let anything harm the others inside. 

I knew I had to believe in them just like how they believe in me. I did believe in them. I used my sword, Lostvayne, to cut the other golden blast in half, using Full Counter my ability to send it flying back at the bitch attacking. I wasn't going down. I couldn't. I couldn't afford the time to be slowed or hit. Ban had started moving faster heading right for the army of recovering goddesses with full intent to kill every single one of them. He went to kill his first one until a blast hit him, sending him flying past me. 

I heard King shout his name in worry. I kept moving. Ban couldn't die. Sure he felt pain but nothing that woman did would kill him. I felt Lostvayne start to suck up the wrath that was building up inside of me. The sword began to give off a dark purple glow, much like my demonic markings. I rushed forward landing a powerful hit onto the ground. The same darkness blast I used on a small group of goddesses earlier came from my sword. A good ten or twenty percent of the army in front of me was screaming in pain.

Dying. Just like the ones I did it too before. I could sense the fear from the rest of the army building. Another golden blast came toward me and The Boar Hat yet again. Escanor announcing he would defend this one. Ban showed up right next to me, using his holy rod, Courechouse, to deflect the blast away from me. Once the darkness finishes from my sword, I noticed my brother at the other side of the army, fighting an injured Ludociel. His demonic marking was glowing. 

So Ludociel as the connection...he was the power generating the Supreme Deity. That was very rare. I had only seen her do this once. It didn't end very well for Ludociel. The backlash from supporting her power has many cons and very little pros. "I won't let you block my path" I snapped heading through the army, moving closer to the fight between Ludociel and my brother. 

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