Chapter 4

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" hey dad umm mom left."
" okay Kendall I'll be there around 8 tomorrow to pick you guys up."
" dad that's the thing... I know this sounds crazy but umm I'm going on tour with Camila Cabello."
" what! Why? Why are you leaving now I hardly get to see you and Allison would love to you to." ( Allison is his new wife)

" I'm sorry, and I promise I will call you everyday but I need to do this, this is my dream."
" I understand sweetheart."
" thank you dad. However I'm leaving at 9 tomorrow, so when you come here can you just talk to camilas manger, and she will tell you anything you need to know."

" sure thing, I'll see you tomorrow honey. I love you."

I hung up, time to talk to Serena.

I walked into Serena's white and gold room.
" hey S." I said walking in.
" hola!"
" hey you know who Camila Cabello is?"
She rolled her eyes, " of course! You love her."
I laughed, " yeah well I'm here backup dancer, and I'm going on tour with her so I'll be gone for a little."

She hugged me, " I overheard you talking to dad, and I understand I love you and I hope you have the best time. Also say hi to Taylor Swift and Shawn for me."
I smiled, " well course. I'll say hi to your future best friend and your future husband."
She winked at me, " he's mine!"
I walked out.

I had to tell one one more person. Jeremy.
I called him, " hey Jeremy."
" Jeremy."
" what's wrong Kendall?"
" I'm going to be gone for Christmas and our birthdays" we always celebrate holidays and birthdays together.
" what! Why?"
" I'm going on tour with Camila Cabello."
I could tell he was upset, but he still laughed, " hey I guess after all you are going to Jingle ball."
I broke out laughing.
" yeah I guess I am. Anyways I'm leaving at 9 tomorrow."
" I'll be there at 8. Also I'm bring Damon cuz he really wants to see. Okay bye." He hung up on me.
I started to do all my laundry and start packing up everything I NEEDED.

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