Just Watering around

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_ The Next Morning-

I woke up, and went down stairs.

" Hey beautiful." He handed me a cup of coffee.

" You know I was fine with Dylan last night. We were just talking."

Shawn walked over to me, " Did you hear him say that he could make you scream?"

" Yes Shawn, and yes that was kinda weird, but before we were just talking."

Shawn pulled me in, and wrapped his arm around my waist.

" but you should have been talking with me last night and dancing with me last night."

I touched his jaw line, " Don't worry Shawnie, We have the whole day together."

After drinking coffee together we both got ready because we were going on a hike.

Shawn found this hill, with like one huge river that you could jump in, if you go to the top. It was about 15 mins away.

Shawn and I left and we got there around 10. . We talked about everything. Our families, hobbies, Favorite artist, Favorite songs ect. We learned about each other since we talked for almost 2 hours.

Shawn and I got to the top and the Sun was beaming right on us, and we saw the whole LA from here.

Out of nowhere I felt a push, and I screamed before I pungled into ice cold water.
" ahhhhh!"
I wiped my eyes and saw Shawn laughing, " having Fun Kendall?"
" Shawn! Help me out."
" fine." He walked down to the river, " now come, we have to go back to the hotel."

" help me out." I said.
He held out his hand, I grabbed it and pulled him in.
He wiped off his face, " Kenny!" He was pissed.
I swan around him, " you need to cool down Shawnie."
He grabbed onto my waist and pulled me into him, " not funny!"
I turn towards him, " pretty funny."
He looked at me.
" your beautiful." He said softly.
" and your cute." I said back, trying to flirt.
He laughed. And leaned in to me kissing me.
I kissed him back, and did not stop.
When the kiss broke we just smiled at each other.

" I don't want to leave." Shawn said.
I ran my fingers through his hair, " we don't have to."
He laughed.

A couple minutes later we got out, and drove back to our hotel.

We both took a shower and got ready.

" ready to leave Kenny?"

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