Chapter 13

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Hello Readers, 

So sorry it took so long. I hope you enjoy!


"Mina, get up right now. You're going to be late for school," my mom demanded, barging into my room and throwing open my blinds.

I tried to hide under my covers, but soon they were gone. I opened my eyes to see my mom had pulled my comforter from my bed.

"I don't want to go to school, Mom," I whined. I wasn't ready to face Josh or Courtney today. The very thought made my stomach plummet.

"Why, because of your ankle?" My mom asked concerned.

Yeah, let's go with that. "Yes," I told her. "It really hurts this morning. I think I should stay home and rest it."

"You're going to school," she said, unfazed by my pain.

"Mom, please," I begged her; giving her the saddest eyes I could muster. "I don't ask to stay home from school often, if ever. Please don't make me go today."

She looked at me for a minute and I could see her resolve start to crack. "Fine, but you are going tomorrow, so don't ask again."

"I promise," I said happily. I had bought myself a day to think about everything that had happened and what I wanted to do about it all.

"I hate the idea of leaving you here alone with your sprained ankle," my mom said, slightly concerned.

"I'll be fine. I'm sure I can manage scooting up and down the stairs if needed," I said confidently.

"Oh, that reminds me." She disappeared out of my bedroom and returned seconds later holding a pair of crutches. "Your uncle saved these after he broke his leg two years ago. He dug them out of the basement this morning."

"Those will definitely make things easier," I stated the obvious.

"I'll make some food for you before I go. I'll leave it in the fridge." She walked over and placed a kissed on my head before heading out.

I lay back down on the bed and before I knew it I had drifted back into a dreamless sleep.

I woke to the sound of my cell phone ringing. At first, I ignored it, too tired to care, but then I thought I should at least look to make sure it wasn't my mom calling to check in. Last thing I wanted was her leaving her new job to come check on me.

As soon as I read the name on the caller ID, I shook away the last bit of sleep and quickly answered it.

"Lexi, you have no idea how glad I am you called," I exclaimed. She was exactly the person I wanted to confide in, but I didn't realize it just then.

"I just had this feeling that I needed to call and check in on you. I guess my best friend senses were tingling," she said with a laugh. The first time she claimed to have "best friend senses", I laughed at her. But then she always seemed to call or show up right when I needed her so I started to believe they were real.

Hearing her voice opened the floodgates and I let out a little sob.

"Mina, what's wrong?" she asked, completely concerned.

"I just miss you," I half-lied to her.

"I miss you too. Everyday," she expressed and I could hear her voice crack. "Let's talk about happier topics like that boyfriend of yours."

I had been keeping Lexi up to date about my relationship with Josh. I told her about our date, meeting each other's families, becoming official. She cheered me on every step of the way. Now I had to tell her about last night.

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