Chapter 3- Just the beginning...

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Chapter 3

Olivia's POV:

At least every other day, Scooter either had a planned date for Justin and I. He also prompted us to plan our own, if he hadn't planned it for us yet. We had a hard time planning public dates, though, as we both just wanted to be out of the public eye every once in a while.

So, on the days that Scooter didn't have us either working on music or out on dates, Justin came over anyways. He would drive his silver Benz over to my family's estate and we would hang out. Our favorite place was the theater room, so we could watch any movie we wanted to, and be comfortable on the squishy leather couches.

Sometimes, though, we did exciting stuff.

"Are you sure that this is safe?" Justin asked me as I held his hand and led him into my horse stable. We had ridden down in my golf cart, and left it right outside of the stable.

"I am one hundred percent positive!" I smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek for reassurance. I found myself doing things like that a lot, even though our relationship was only staged.

"Why can't we just go watch a movie?" he whined. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Because, we've gotten lazy! Don't you want to ride at least once to say that you have?" I prompted him.

"I guess so. If I die, it's your problem!" he sighed.

I introduced Justin to all of the horses while two of the stable hands groomed and saddled our horses. Then, I led him to the changing rooms where there was a pair of flexible jeans and western boots there for him to wear. I took one of the other changing rooms and changed into a hunter green blazer with a white tank top underneath and tan riding breeches along with my English riding boots.

We stepped out of the changing rooms at the same time, both catching the other one checking them out. Both of us laughed, and we walked over to the indoor arena, where the grooms were waiting with our horses. I couldn't help but smile when I saw them.

The horse that Justin would be riding was my lovely, easygoing, ex racehorse named Yot. He was very young, but he had a great brain. Yot was very tall, and very gorgeous, with nice muscles underneath his flashy red chestnut coat.

Then there was my other horse. His name was Hollywood, and he and Yot were similar yet quite different. Hollywood was a massive black Appendix(Thoroughbred/Quarter Horse cross) horse. He was very intelligent, smooth, and he lived up to the name. On one hand, he cared about me very much, but on the other, he was extraordinarily arrogant. Once you got the hang of him, he was very fun.

The stable hands gave us our helmets and helped us adjust them properly before giving us each a leg up. I went to schooling Hollywood as Elliot, the stable hand that had ridden with Olympic champions, taught Justin the basics. He was a natural.

Once Justin knew how to basically ride a horse, I took him out to the trails.

We chatted as we rode side-by-side, but I could feel Hollywood getting antsy underneath me. Hollywood was arching his neck and prancing a little, but I knew what he wanted. He wanted to run.

"Do you feel comfortable and in control?" I quickly asked Justin.

"Um, yes, I do. What are you thinking, Liv?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Let's go, then!" I smiled and asked Hollywood to gallop, without waiting for Justin's response.

I lifted my weight out of the saddle and leaned forward over his neck just a bit. Hollywood was already flying through the woods before I heard Yot's hooves thundering to catch up to us. I slowed Hollywood down to a canter.

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