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Sandra Pov. (That's her ^^^^)

I watched Bella say goodbye to Renee. I hold Nathan on my hip as he swings his wolf stuffy around. My mother and I got in a small disagreement when I had gotten pregnant with Nathan. I tried telling her what happened but she didn't believe me. I guess my rebellion act went a little to far to show that I am actually a nice girl. I'll say that those 'parties' I went too were actually going to McDonalds with my friends and hang out there. Let's just say the Manager really likes us for how much we spend to stay there.

"Time to go girls." Phil called.

I like Phil he actually caught my lies. Reason he went to McDonalds and saw me there. When he pulled me to the side and asked about it. I asked him that this is my little party and he would just smile. I walked to the car. I looked at Phil.

"Please ship my things please." I said. He smiled and nodded. He knows the story of how Nathan came to be but now I can't imagine my life without him. He is my life. I put Nathan in his howling wolf car seat and buckled him in. I sat next to him with my black suit case in the trunk, with Nathan's small suit case and his diaper bag. Bella sat on my other side holding her little cactus.

"So, Sandra do you have a job there yet?" Renee asked.

"Yes, I do." I said rolling my eyes.

"You do?" She asked shocked.

"Yes I actually do. Phil knows he actually gave some tips. Maybe he can tell you when I am on the plane." I said. Bella snorted she looked down when mom gave her a look. Phil had a small smile but went blank when she looked at him. He pulled up in front of the airport and we got out and I had Nathan on my hip. I hugged Phil thanking him. He kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear about the surprise that she will be getting finding out that I have a fashion line and I make custom clothing. I have a shop in forks that I have to clean up and start getting business through. I have ordered cloth, pins, manikins, I already put a order for permits. We went through security and sat on the plan with Nathan asleep hugging his wolf.

"Awe he's so cute! What's his name?" A woman asked holding her three year old.

"Nathan and yours?" I asked with a smile.

"Jackson. Where did you get his clothes?" She asked.

"I made them." I said. her mouth dropped.

"I'm Jenna Henson." She said holding out her hand.

"Sandra Swan." I said.

We talked for the whole trip about what we do and tips for our kids. When we got off the plane we hugged and thanked each other. I wrote my number on a paper and my email and she gave me hers. I went to the baggage claim and grabbed our suitcases and looked around and saw dad waiting awkwardly with Bella. I drag us over there and his eyes lit up childishly.

"This must be my grandson Nathan!" He said happily.

"And your right." I said smiling.

"Well let's get going." he said taking some of the bags and I let out a relief sigh.

Sandra SwanWhere stories live. Discover now