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Sandra's POV.

So it has bee a week since we moved to forks and I am constantly busy. I have been getting new customers some from even Port Angeles. Word had gotten around about how great I was and people started coming. I put in an order for the fabrics that is running low. I paid the bills writing it down in the books.

Now there was something bothering Bella but she wouldn't tell me what exactly is bothering her. Right now I have no more orders to work on so I was just relaxing in my shop tidying up. When I got a call. I looked at the contact and saw it was Dad.

"Hey dad what's wrong?" I asked.

"Bella's in the hospital." He stated.

"I'll be right there." I said. I hung up and grabbed Nathan and my things and left the store locking it up and made sure the sign said closed and got us in the car and drove to the hospital and I parked getting us out and rushing inside. I was told where and I finally made it.

"How are you? Are you in pain? Is your head hurting? What happened?" I asked in rush voice. Bella groaned hiding her face with blush as the Doctor chuckled so did dad.

"You sound like mom." She whined.

"If you don't remember your nephew then I am a mom. so spit it out. Answer my questions! Who do I need to beat up?" I asked. Dad pointed a thumb to behind him and I walked over and stared at the boy.

"What did you do to my sister?" I said slowly but anger in my voice. He gulped.

"My van hit black Ice and I couldn't control it." He stuttered.

"How fast were you going? If you were pulling out of the parking lot then you shouldn't have lost control that bad?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Oh u twouble!" Nathan said pointing. I heard the Doctor and dad try to hold their chuckles.

"Sandra I am fine!" Bella snapped.

I turned to her with a glare.

"Are you challenging me a single mother of a two year old to shut up when my baby sister is hurt making me close my shop five hours early?" I asked seething. She snapped her mouth shut and looked down.

"That's right. Now are you hurt?" I asked with a narrowed look.

"No." She said and I looked at the doctor.

"Just a bump on the head it will go down in a couple days with ice." He said looking a little frightened.

I looked at the boy. "How are you. how much pain are you in?" I asked.

"Just a little ma'am." He said not looking at me in the eyes.

"Has your guardians been contacted?" I asked.

"Yes, ma'am." He said quietly.

"Then I'll stay with you till you are picked up. I'm angry but you are still a kid. It's one little accident. but you need to be more careful. I would think that living here would put some sense on how to drive safely in the weather here." I said softly. Dad kissed Nathan's and my head and left.

"So you and Bella are sisters?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm Nineteen almost twenty while she is barely seventeen. This is Nathan my son. He's two." I said.

"You own a shop?" He asked.

"Yes, I make custom clothes to costumes depending on the time of year. Just as I'll design something." I said.

His mother and father rush into the hospital and I smiled.

"Loraine!" I said with a smile.

"Sandra and little Nathan!" She said. The two boys looked confused.

"How's that dress?" I asked.

"Beautiful as always. I love it and so does my husband. You have a bright future for that store of yours." She said.

"I'm glad you love it. Your son and my sister got in a little accident. I also might of went mama bear on both of them. My father was wanting to take away his license but I'm sure he knows not to get heavy footed on the ice." I said and looked at him and he nodded bowing his head.

"No one seriously injured?" His father asked worried.

"No. My sister has a bump on the head and your son just has a cut on the head with a mild concussion. You can talk to the doctors and see if there is anything you need to look out for." I said.

"Thank you. You must've closed your shop early to come." His mother said.

"Yes, but I accepted it. I am a mother and I can't stand things like this. I may have yelled a little." I started and Tyler nodded his head really fast.

"But I had best intentions. Driving is an incentive not a given. if you chose to act riskily with it, it can be taken away. But after getting the whole story he just needs to be more careful of his surroundings, especially black ice. Now Tyler stay out of trouble, take a deep breath, and learn from what you did wrong and don't do it again. Alright?" I asked. His parents are nodding along to what I was saying. Tyler nodded.

"Yes, ma'am. Again sorry." He said.

"Apology already accepted but don't make these visits constant. The next time I want to see you is in my shop." I said pointing with a smirk.

His mother laughed. "Prom is Coming up I'm sure he will stop by." Loraine said.

"Alright, get your friends to come with you. I get board and you kids although only like three years younger than me." I said with a grin. They all chuckled. I hugged and kissed Loraine's cheek. I grabbed my purse and started walking out.

"Hey!" A girl said. I turned and saw....

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