Chapter 11

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A/N: Sorry if its hard to follow :)


I shifted in my seat, trying to get comfortable. I couldn't sleep, the chairs were hard and plastic and the machines were beeping obnoxiously loud. Thoughts were rushing through my mind, as i sat staring at his lifeless body. His normally dark, tan skin was pale and yellow, sagging over his prominent cheek bones. His normally perfectly styled quiff, clung to his forehead lifelessly. He looked dead, the only things convincing me he is alive is the rising of his chest and the beeping of the machines! It had been a few days since the accident and Zayn had shown no sign of life. Everybody is telling me 'not to blame myself' but its hard not to, he risked his life for me and now he is lying in hospital, at deaths doorstep.

"Ry you need to go home and sleep!" josh said startling me.

"No im good" I replied, I hadn't left Zayn's side since i had awoken, except to go to the toilet.

"Ry you haven't eaten, slept or washed in three days. They will call if anything changes." Josh persuaded. Sighing in defeat I picked up my bag, leaning over, I gently kissed zayn on the cheek.

"I'll be back soon" I whispered to him, even though he probably couldn't hear.

*Zayn's P.O.V*

"I'll be back soon" she whispered and i saw her place a soft kiss apon my cheek.

"I love you Rylee" I replied.

She cant hear you, you know" An angelic voice commented from behind me.

"I know" I replied sadly "Can you please tell me whats going on?" I begged the strange creature.

"Its what I would call 'an out of body experience', you are alive but in a deep coma which only you can wake yourself up from." She elaborated cryptically.

"Out of body experience, whats that?" I asked, confused as hell.

"When you aren't properly bound to your body, you can leave it but you can still feel and hear what you body would normally. But Zayn you need to wake up soon!" The, Angel?, Said seriously.

"Why do I need to wake up soon?" I asked.

"Because if you dont wake up by the end of the week, they're pulling the plug"

"Pulling the plug?"

"Turning off life support" She sighed obviously.

"Why does it matter?" I muttered quietly to myself.

"Because well, let me show you" She replied. She heard that?

"Of course I did, its what I do?"

"What you do, exactly what are you?"

"I will tell you later, but anyway follow me" she called heading towards a long black passage way, I followed her cautiously.

"It should be around here somewhere" She muttered to herself, looking at the doors.

"ah here we are, Liam" She said turning to me "are you ready?" I nodded. She turned the handle and pushed open the door.

Liam sat at a large oak desk, running a hand through his curly brown hair, his cheeks stained with tears staring at the three pictures that lined his desk; the first a picture of me and the lads when we had won our first Brit, we were all smiling happily at the great success. The second a picture of Liam and I smiling as he gave me a piggy back along the stage and the final picture was of Liam, and Sam; his ex girlfriend who was, to put it nicely, a bitch!

"So Liam, after your death he became a workaholic, spending as much time as he could in the office. He became lonely when you died and when the band split so he crawled back to Samantha who is treating him horrible and using him but he cant bring himself to leave her. Whenever he looks at your picture he cries remembering the time when he lived the dream"

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