Chapter 14

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*Emm's P.O.V*

My phone began ringing loudly signalling it was time to wake up. I rolled off my large double bed and onto the soft carpeted floor. I wasn't looking forward to going to school today, I honestly couldn't face ms Queen Bee after Friday when I almost lost my whole social life standing up for one of her prey. You see im a member of what you may call 'the plastics' or 'the populars' you know the ones that people hate and envy.

"Emm, get downstairs. I have to leave on an important buisnius trip and I will leave $500 on the table, now you and your sister aren't to spend it in one day and if you need more just use your card but no more than $1000 im only gone for the week" My mum called up the stairs to me. I slowly padded down them hoping that by the time I reached the bottom she would be gone.

"Good girl, now no parties and keep an eye on Isobella" She said swiftly planting a kiss on my cheek, I rolled my eyes and wipped it off.

"Bye mother"

I sat down at the table and began to eat a bowl of Lucky Charms as my little sister walked in.

"Morning" I said not looking at her.

"Don't talk to me bitch!" She said grabbing an apple "By the way, that will go straight to your hips" She commented sneering at my breakfast.

"well at least I dont have to worry about that" I relpied rudly.

"Of course you dont" She cackled walking away. I wonder what was up her ass, I probably had the last bottle of Water and she is too lazy to get off her ass and get some. I glanced at the clock, shit, first bell rings in 20 minutes. I rushed into my bathroom and began to get ready.

"See you Izz im going to school" I called to her as she continued getting ready, she had a free period, lucky for some. I put a fake smile on my face and pulled my straightined hair to the side as I aproached the large school gates.

I got evil looks from everyone as I walked to my first period class, math. I had no idea what I had done but the looks I was recieving suggested that I had killed someone. I walked through the door and took my normal seat at the back next to my group.

"Hey guys, what did I do, everyone is looking at me like I have killed someone" I joked but majoraty of them ignored me.

"Im sorry Emm but you aren't welcome here, I would move before S. comes" One of the 'nicer' girls said. I just sat there in shock as the remaining girls turned cutting me out of the group. My eyes began to water as I collected my books and moved to the front where one of the nerds turned and gave me a little smile

"Isn't so fun when its you is it?" She asked me softly, I nodded hiding my blotchy face behind my hair "It gets better if you just keep a low profile and don't give them a reason to personally hate you"

"It seems a bit late for that, what have I done?"

"You haven't seen it?" She asked shock covering her face "Its everywhere"

"What?" Instead of answering me she pulled out her Iphone and opened a page, after typing for a few moments she handed it to me her face contorted with sympathy. I grabbed it from her hands. Muttering a small thank you I began to scroll through the article barley reading the word until one line caught my eye 'Tommo's Relationship Staus':

It was rumored that Louis Tomlinson of One Direction and former girlfriend Eleanor Calder had split after she was seen doing the dirty on the dance floor of a popular London club. At the time the pair refused to release any information on the split to the media but at midday yesterday Eleanor was seen around London on the arm of a man who was clearly not Louis, when asked about it she introduced him as her 'new boyfriend' Lucas. But directioners do not fear Louis is not heart broken in fact he is now engaged to a young girl our sorce have said is 18 year old, school girl Emm. We are currently unaware of her last name and other personal information but keep posted and hopefully a marriage is on the table"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2012 ⏰

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