awkward silence 😳

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Jk, I just got bruise and some scrapes hahahaha *starts to cry*

Jk, I just got bruise and some scrapes hahahaha *starts to cry*

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And no it wasn't from an accident. I tripped on a ball twice because I'm clumsy AF.

Anywayyyyy, I am back. Sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy this chapter ;)

jeno faces him and smiles, "hi." he's cute and renjun wants to die.

fuck what would he say back? sup, yow, hello, wassupー"good morning," okay that was a lame greeting.

jeno already starts to research, knew that he should ace this project, fearing that he'll have a low score again. he grabs his book and flips through pages, renjun also doing the same except that he steal some glances from time to time. "so," the korean pauses, still skimming but looks up after. "how are we gonna do this thing?" his eyebrow knits in confusion.

renjun blinks, he almost forgot. they have a project. he grab his blue notebook that had a bunch of doodles and hopefully no 'jeno + renjun ♡' kind of doodles.

"it's actually easy, i suppose." he says, and further explains about physics and shit (sorry i'm to lazy and bored lol just use your imaginary on what they're going to do)

"ah, okay." the only thing he said. renjun doesn't know if jeno understood whatever he said, he might have blubbering nonsense in front of him.

"yeah, it's pretty easy actually..." renjun flips through pages, jeno didn't reply at what he said and just nods, browsing at his own book.


okay, what now?

renjun looks over at jeno, mindlessly searching for some things that could be good for their project and noting it on his pad paper like a good student he is.

the air thickens, filled with somewhat sultry ambience.

the chinese boy looks back at his own book and bites his bottom lip, this is what he's afraid of: awkward silence. just silence between them as tension covers them, and jittery sting crawls up to his chest. he clutches his shirt, afraid that his chest will explode.

he takes a glance at jeno, still doing his work.
he didn't see discomfort on his expression, just pure concentration. renjun sighs, maybe he's the one who makes this situation awkward for himself.

just focus on the project, dummy.

he hopes that he will not make himself stupid in front of jeno.


The period ended after a few minutes, and after that the day seems to run faster. in a blink of an eye, it was lunch already.

"you seem like you're in a daze." sicheng points out, munching his food.

donghyuck nods, also noticing the boy's change of behaviours. "yeah, what happened to you dude? you didn't try to kill chenle as usual." he says, in which he didn't answer at all.

jisung smiles while eating his chicken nuggets, "hyung's in a good mood, apparently." the latter was happy when he didn't receive his daily torture that renjun always gives him. the chinese would always headlock them (him and chenle) to death but it was mostly their fault for being too annoying.

donghyuck secretly frowns, he wanted to see some actions today. “and why is that?” it wasn't a pure disappointment, though it was an honest question.

renjun didn't reply, seem to have his own little world. his food barely touched as he stares at a void, silent and unmoving.

a brunette comes closer to them, holding a tray with a beautiful smile, his friends start gushering over. “oh, hey renjun!” and when he looks up, he internally screams. fuck, it's jeno. “i don't have anything to do after class, our dance practice got cancelled, so maybe we finish what we did later, yeah?” he informs, still wearing a smile that made his heart flip.

renjun feels heat growing in his cheeks and he hope's jeno doesn't see it. “um, yeah. cool, cool.” attempting to stay casual as possible. jeno nods and bids a 'later'.

his friends watch as renjun crumbles and jeno leaves oblivious. they all smile mischievously, already solved the puzzle pieces together.

they stare longer at the boy, as if it would make the boy utter. “so you and jeno?” donghyuck a grin starts to grow, leaning over him.

a confusion plasters on renjun's face, and for a bit he knew what he was talking about, “me and jeno?” 

“you and jeno and...” he gestures, like it would further make renjun realize what he's talking about. “... that thing that happened back there!” he points where jeno stood earlier like it would make greater sense. 

okay, now renjun's in utter confusion. his eyebrows furrowed into one, he tries to guess.“... you mean talking?”

“yeah! since when did he ever talked to you?” donghyuck eyes grew suspicious, trying to see things deeper. why would it matter if he talked to him?

still, he answers. “ever since he asked me to be his partner for the science project.” 

“so he asked you out?” 

renjun almost spit his own saliva, eyes widen in shock. “no! what? are you even listening? he asked me to be his partner for the science notー” 

“wow, renjun! i've never thought someone like lee jeno would like you.” they start to gossip, like buzzing bees that renjun can't slap away from his ears.

the boy sighs, hoping that this day would turn to be worse than ever.

chenle begins to think, then his eyes light up like he found the right answer. “... ooh, and maybe he uses this 'science project' as an excuse so that he can have closure!” he exclaims, proud for his incredible conclusion.

sichengs's eyes widen in shock, how could he never thought about that before. “that makes much perfect sense!” 

“no it doesn't!” renjun exclaims, tired of this misinterpretation. “stop trying to read the lines so much. we're just students trying to make  passing grade in science, nothing else.” he ends his statement.

the bell rings, and hopefully his friends would stop pestering his life too much (please God, even just a day, he would be thankful.)

I did my best I guess :/

sorry for the super super late update
I kinda lost inspiration on to write this fic but now I got back on my feet (how ironic)

hopefully y'all don't hate me hahaha

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