We're Fine

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The hospital was busy for the early afternoon, Eddie had still managed to find his way inside. He stalked the corridors, looking for someone particular. With no warning his muscles suddenly tensed up in pain, a normally inaudible high pitch sound pierced through his body. He had to fight to keep Venom within him, while still trudging their way down the packed corridor. Away from whatever machinery was making the god awful noise.

This is a bad idea.

Eddie ignored him, trying to focus on something other than the sound in the distance, the smell of bleach or the blinding white artificial lights above him.

We tell him, he tells her.

Still Eddie ignored him as he stumbled along, bumping into someone every now and then. Mumbling an apology before moving on.

"If your killing me again..." He whispered angrily, people too busy to notice. "I find out you've been snacking on my heart or a lung I swear to god."

There was an obvious pause in Venoms reply. I'm weak Eddie.

"You have?!" He accidently shouted, the pain his body going through dulling his other senses. He turned a corner and found himself staring at Venom in a mirror. The always fearful smile, the sharp threatening stare, the white veins forming over the black form. "What the fuck man?!" Eddie didn't care about anything at this point, he thought that he and Venom were on the same page. "What happened to 'we' man, what happened to 'we'?"

I can heal us.

"I don't want to hear it." He threw his hands up in front of him in anger, before letting the flop weakly to his side. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Because you would overreact, like you are doing right now.

"I'm dying, don't tell me I'm overreacting." Eddie rushed up at the mirror, pointing a finger furiously at Venom.

You've died before.

"Don't remind me!" Eddie turned away, he remembered the feeling of getting stabbed through the chest, the sensation of his last breath. It wasn't something he wanted to feel again.

"Eddie?" A familiar voice made him wildly spin round. Walking slowly towards him was just the man he was looking for.

"Dan, I need to talk to you." He basically charged at Dan, taking hold of one of his arms.

No, you don't.

"It's about, you know, the erm... The thing that was inside me." Dan proceeded without hesitation to pull Eddie into an unoccupied examining room.

"What's going on?" Dan looked Eddie up and down, examining every detail of the sweaty man in front of him.

"Erm... I'm just not feeling to good you know." Eddie wasn't sure what to say.

"What are your symptoms?" Dan crossed his arms, his white doctors coat clean and ironed, his hair neat and tidy.

Say nothing.

"I'm tired all the time, like, really tired." Eddie paused, a more intense wave of pain rushing over him. "I've also been getting this pain in my head." He mentioned as he rubbed his forehead with a trembling hand.

"It could just be your body having side effects from the parasite."


"We can do another MRI, just to-"


"No!" Eddie and Venom shouted simultaneously. "No, it's fine, seriously."

"It's better to be safe than sorry." Dan's concern only grew.

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