The Truth Hurts

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Eddie didn't know what to do, he couldn't stand to look at Anne as Dan comforted her a safe distance away, leaving him with his own guilt and a hunger that gnawed within him. Venom said nothing, not a single word as Anne struggled to even comprehend what just happened. In the end Eddie couldn't help it, he glanced up with his glassy eyes. Anne had her head on Dan's shoulder, looking for someone to hold her desperately. He rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. Didn't make Eddie feel any better, he wasn't even sure what happened, he wasn't even sure if Venom knew what happened.

"He's not well." Dan even defended Eddie quietly, his whisper not quite enough to keep his words from Eddie. An unbearable need for food suddenly tried to overcome Eddie, he fought back.


"You piece of shit." Eddie mumbled, causing both Anne and Dan's eyes to slowly pan over to him. He lay back on the couch, clutching his side.

What do you want me to say Eddie? Venom's words were harsh, when consumed by hunger his temper defiantly takes a toll.

"I will let your slimy ass die here and now!" Eddie shouted into the air, the memory of Anne's petrified glare constantly flashing though his pounding head. "That I can promise you!" He continued, his eyes staring intensely at nothing. Eddie was suddenly wrenched off the couch and onto the floor, black tendrils having shot from his arm and latching onto the floor where he now lay. The rough and surprisingly violent fall had knocked the wind out of him, leaving him struggling to breath. Let alone the pain in his side bursting from the bullet wound. Dan quickly tried to come to Eddie's aid even with Anne trying to pull him back. More jet-black long tendrils shot from his body, knocking Dan back into Anne's arms. Eddie's limbs where glued to the floor, unable to move and in pain. Venom kept him there as he began to show himself. Eddie remembered the first time his eyes had laid on venom, he would never forget it. Watching the black snake like creature form out of him, bright white eyes and teeth blinding even with the light of the apartment. He stared at his parasite like a rabbit in headlights. Venom was clearly struggling to keep his form, the black liquid like flesh wanting to seep back into Eddie.

"There is no you, there is no me." Venom hissed in Eddie's sweaty face. "There is only us." And with them seemingly wise, non-hostile words he sank back into Eddie's chest before releasing him from the floor. With a grunt he pushed himself up into a sitting position, Dan slowly eased himself over to help, Eddie waved him away. One foot at time Eddie was just on his feet before pulling himself onto the couch, his hands shacking, his body craving fresh meat. He sat, head leaning back.

I'm sorry Eddie.Venom apologised, he could feel the internal torment within Eddie, every time he even attempted to look at Anne.


Dan slowly reached out, blood dripping stake in hand. He kept his distance, as if trying to feed a snake, keeping his face and body away as much as possible. Eddie glanced up, a hand still on his side, blood staining the bandages stuck over his bullet wound. His bare torso and face pale as he sat uncomfortably on the couch.

Dead. Venom clarified angrily which Eddie could clearly see.

"It's not as easy as that." Eddie calmly told Dan, Dan pulled away almost as soon as Eddie said a word.

"Well erm..." Dan recoiled at his own thoughts. "I'll go get something..." He paused again.

"Alive." Eddie finished for him.

"Yeah." Dan replied his hands holding the raw blood dripping stake awkwardly. He backed away allowing Eddie to see Anne behind him, leaning against the wall staring at him. She had clearly calmed down visually, however Eddie wasn't too sure as she stared into his eyes. Eddie broke eye contact first. He listened to Dan moving around, avoiding the mess all over the floor. Unintelligible whispers then replaced the movement, Eddie looked up to see Dan gently holding one of Anne's hands.

"You sure you'll be ok?" Was the only sentence Eddie was able to make out, Venom providing no additional information. He then sat there and watched Dan kiss Anne, before reluctantly letting go of her hand. Suddenly they were alone. She stood there in silence, while he sat hand still on his wound, looking down at his lap.

"Why?" Anne asked, the fact that Eddie wasn't sure what event or action she was talking about, not because he couldn't think of anything. But the fact that there was to many options. He couldn't even bring himself to look up, in the end he felt his head move on its own. Venom forcing him to look into Anne's eyes. Eddie felt anger rush through him, he wanted to shout to scream at Venom. To blame him to, tell him how dare he force him to look at the woman who they attacked. Eddie let the anger settle, trying his best to realise that it was already in the past and that he needed to make things right, here and now.

"Why?" Anne asked again, still remaining visibly calm. Her arms crossed as she stood her ground.

"To keep you safe." Eddie contradicted his actions from earlier, he felt the sensation of his hand around her throat making him to roll his fingers into a fist and dig his nails into his hand, just to get rid of the feeling.

"That's why you didn't tell me?" Still calm, still too calm. Eddie could only gently nod, letting his head again hang. "That's the only reason you didn't tell me that Venom was still alive." Eddie raised his head by himself.

"Yes." Eddie lied. No matter how much he loved her he wasn't about to tell her, that he lied because he wanted to get back with her. And having an alien parasite living inside of him might put her off.

"We both know that's bullshit Eddie." Anne unfolded her arms.

She's good. Venom commented, Eddie had to stop himself from replying. Some awkward time passed, solidifying Anne's suspicion.

"Who was that back at the station." Anne changed the subject, just wanting answer at this point.

"I don't know." Eddie instinctively asked.

Familiar, he was familiar.

"What?" Eddie mumbled to himself.

"What's he saying?" Anne almost demanded. Eddie attempted to straighten himself slightly, his side very unconfutable.

"That the symbiote was familiar, he knew Venom anyway, said his name." Eddie explained, the hunger within getting worse by each second. He could feel Venom struggling to control himself. 

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