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Eddie placed a bottle of painkillers and a bag of frozen tater tots on the counter, his shaky, still slightly blood-stained hands grabbed for his wallet in his back pocket. Having simply only taken off his fish blood-soaked hoodie, Eddie still wore a black t-shirt and the same wet jeans as before.

"You smell like shit Eddie." As usual Mrs Chen didn't hold back, even after finding out about Venom. Having dealt with a whole lifetime of strange and weird shit, it didn't take her long to deal with the new knowledge.

"Thanks Mrs Chen." Eddie mumbled as he grabbed a handful of coins from his leather wallet and dropped them onto the counter. The shop wasn't busy at all that night, leaving the low electrical buzz of sign outside filling the silence. "Erm you know them fish shipments you've been getting for me... I'm gonna need more." Mrs Chen stopped counting the coins for a second and looked up at the twitchy man in front of her. "Tomorrow." He added.

"Sure thing Eddie." She gave him a sympathetic smile before putting bag of tatter tots, painkillers and receipt into a carrier bag. He nodded in thanks before taking the bag from her and leaving the shop. After only taking a couple of steps down the street Eddie pulled the bottle of painkillers from the plastic bag, the outside of the bottle had become cold from being in contact with the frozen tater tots. Even though he knew all he was going to do was end up throwing the potatoes back up, for some reason Venom craved them almost as much as fresh meat. Popping the lid off the pills he poured a couple into his hand. Eddie was about to bring his hand up to his mouth when it was wrenched to the side, sending the pills flying. The bottle in his other hand quickly followed suit, being thrown to the side, almost hitting someone as they walked passed. The thin plastic carrier bag rustled furiously before settling.

No pills.

"Your something else you know that." Eddie sluggishly mumbled, his eyes struggling to stay open. "I don't know if you're feeling this too, but I feel like my skull is about to split open." Eddie was struggling to walk straight at this point.

You're lucky you're a strong host, otherwise it already would have.

"Thank you, for your kinds words."

Your welcome.

Even though Venoms voice was clearly stronger, Eddie had never felt worse as he made his way down the street, just trying to make it back home without falling over.


Inches from his apartment complex door, Eddie dug his hand down one of his pockets for his keys.

Empty. He tried another pocket.

Empty. He stood at the door to the building, patting himself down looking for his keys.


He leaned his head forward on the glass of the door, the yellow dim light above flickering, threatening to go off. He closed his eyes and took a deep shaky breath. With a sharp, violent pain in his head, his eyes snapped open and his fist went through the glass. People walking past gasped and scurried away like rats. Venom said nothing as Eddie retrieved his fist, cuts covered it, blood dripped from it. It was as if the action was a mutual agreement.

"Step away from the door with your hands up!" A flashlight was then shone on his back, his shadow prominently casting on the door in front of him. "Dispatch could possibly be a code 20, individual could be a 10-51." The female officer spoke clearly and calmly down her radio.

"Don't you dare hurt her." Eddie ordered Venom through gritted teeth.

"I said step away from the door with your hands up!" She repeated.

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