The End

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Eddie knew that Anne was talking to him, he could see her lips moving, her expressions changing. But her words didn't meet his ears, not a single sound could be distinguished. Her words a waste of breath. Hunger was the only thought that could pass through his head, the need, the crave an addiction that he needed to satisfy. He felt numb, not only all over, but emotionally. Everything else seemed to fade away, the world, his feelings, Anne. A sensation on his hand made him blink and look down. There was Anne's hand on top of his, he hadn't even notice it shacking as it rested on his knee. A hand on his chin brought his eyes to meet Anne's, he stared straight through her.

Eddie. Even Venom seemed concerned, there was an anger being hidden.


Eddie shot up off the couch, ignoring the pain in his side, ignoring Anne. She watched in horror as he tore through the kitchen, ripping open the fridge and freezer door. Slamming it shut when he found nothing.

"Eddie?" She called to him, he didn't hear her. Eddie in his delusional state continued to ransack his own kitchen, searching every nook and cranny for something to tame the overwhelming hunger.

"Eddie what's wrong?" Anne continued to try and get through to him, her efforts where wasted. Eddie suddenly stumbled upon a few small pieces of wrapped chocolate, chocolate something he had found for some reason kept the hunger at bay, if only for a little while. tumbling with the wrappers Eddie shoved them into his mouth. Leaning on the counter as he didn't even chew, just swallowing them whole.

"Eddie, please talk to me." Anne tried again. Eddie's head snapped in her direction, his eyes meeting hers. He had heard her. She went to approach him, causing him to scramble away, over to the front door.

"Keep back!" He frantically shouted, not sure on what he would do, his body and actions not his own. Acting quickly, he grabbed a grey hoodie that sat folded on the side, pulling it on before rushing out the door.


The night air was cold, but he didn't feel it, a dampness in the air as it threatened to rain. Stumbling down the street hand on his only just stitched up side, a bullet having ripped through him. Eddie out of breath lent against a brick wall, and ally just sat to the side of him. His eyes looked up from the filthy concrete floor, the sight on an old church in the urban surroundings caught his attention. Still a distance away hidden behind a couple of buildings sat a lonely church, even though surrounded by the dense city it remained lonely. Its structure, style just not belonging. Reminded Eddie a little of himself, he didn't feel like he belonged anywhere at that moment. Not with Venom. Eddies head suddenly was pointed down the ally, the scuttering of a rat across the ground all he could hear. He entered the ally, not hesitating as he chased the rat down. Snatching it up in his cold fingers, before consuming the poor creature. Like a rush of adrenaline, energy shot through his body. Almost like an electrical charge, the surge was pleasant, before settling.

"If we make it through this-"

We will. Venom cut him off.

"If we make it through this..." Eddie repeated. "I'm gonna kill you." Eddie attempted to joke.

Behind us. Venom calmly told him. He turned, rat blood around his mouth and over his hands. With the hunger pushed under for now, his head was a little bit clearer. So, the sight of Anne standing nervously a few meters away hurt even more.

"Anne we can explain." Eddie pleaded for them both. She stayed where she was, but clearly her body language showed she wanted nothing more to turn and walk away.

"Why Eddie, why is this all happening?" Anne seemed to plead back. "Why did you lie to me."

Tell her. Eddie broke eye contact shaking his head in answer to Venom.

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