Those We Love

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After half an hour Anne had checked a couple of places she thought Eddie might have gone, even ringing Dan to see if he had turned up at theirs or even at the hospital. There was no sign of him, she couldn't even ring his phone, knowing it would still be in the hands of the police. A fence leading to a train track finally blocked her way, she stood bare foot on the filthy path, heels in hand and out of breath. She looked around in the empty dark roads, no cars passed, not a single person. The bridge right above the train tracks was even quiet, the traffics lights switching between colours as if board. Pulling out her phone she was about to ring Dan to pick her up, planning on heading to Eddie's apartment to see if he had turned up there. But as a train passed, the breaks screeching, a familiar scream burst out into the night. Not Eddie's. Venom's. She put her phone away, eyes scanning frantically up and down the barbed metal fence, trying to find a way in. Not seeing one she dropped her heals, pulling off her dark blue denim jacket, flinging it up and over the barbwire. Not being a climber, she struggled to get up and over the fence, her jacket protecting her from slicing herself on the sharp metal. Venom's screams didn't stop as the cargo train continued to pass, the sound filled with utter agony. Anne dropped down roughly onto the other side, the last carriage of the cargo train finally passing. Silence fell, the train getting further and further away. Picking herself up off the gravelled ground, her bare knees sore and scrapped. Having come from work, her blouse and pencil skirt where not the ideal attire.

"Eddie?" She called, trying not to draw attention if anyone unwanted was around. Pulling her phone back out she switched on its torch, needing the light as she slowly made her way deeper under the bridge. That's where she saw him, face down in the gravel, hidden behind one of the bridges support beams and bags of dumped trash.

"Eddie!" She rushed over to him, dropping on her knees beside him ignoring the pain. She immediately pushed him of his front and onto his back. His skin was boiling and drenched. Anne gasped, only just noticing the pool of drying blood underneath him.

"Oh my god." She breathed. Lifting up his black t-shirt she found a bullet wound in his side. "Venom, Venom do something!" She shouted desperately, but the symbiote didn't show itself.

"He can't." Eddie weakly coughed a reply; his eyes weren't even open. She put a comforting hand on his shoulder, her other on the bullet wound, he didn't even flinch.

"Eddie what's going on?" Anne didn't know what to else to say, panic taking over. She didn't get another word out of Eddie, even after tapping his face, trying to get him to come back round. With one hand on the bullet wound she picked up her phone, putting it to her ear finally calling Dan. She could hardly speak, her words just seeming to get away from her. Dan encouraged her to calm down, finally calming her enough to form a sentence.

"Eddie's, Eddie's shot." She managed, breathing heavy, tears ready to burst from her eyes

"You need to put equal pressure on the wound ok." She could hear Dan on the other end of the phone rushing around. "When's the ambulance arriving?"

"No ambulance, it's still in him, t-t-the parasite." She stuttered, tears rolled down her cheek as blood oozed through her fingers. There was a clear silence on Dan's end of the phone, her sobbing almost echoing back.

"Where are you?" Dan finally asked. Anne explained in as much detail as she could, to be honest she wasn't sure where she was.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." Was the last thing Dan said before he hung-up. Anne's hand dropped into her lap with her phone, the torch light pointing up, casting fierce shadows.

"You're going to be ok Eddie, you're going to be fine." She stared at his blank lifeless face, just begging for him to open his blue eyes. She couldn't bare to even check his pulse, she could feel his chest rising and falling from where her hand was applying pressure, that was enough.

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