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"Please tell me you are joking"

Me and my friend Deepika are screaming completely unaware of the fact that we have attracted many audience.

But why do we care??

Right now we have more important problems than worrying about these people especially this happens when we have a friend like Ashmitha.

"Relax guys"Ash smiled as if she was nominated for filmfare awards.

Ok, now before entering into the story let me brief everyone about my friends Deeps and Ash...we are like the three musketeers of our school from kindergarten and fortunately got admission in the same college but different course(me and deeps in same dept but Ash chose different stream)and now me and deeps share same work place long story short,I have spent my entire life with these two idiots.

"This is gonna happen someday or other then why not now?"she tried to reason out and sipped her hot chocolate.


"We too know that idiot"

"the question is why so early??"I asked.

"Raj got an offer in USA...he has to be there in a month,so the marriage has been preponed"she shrugged.

"You guys already know how much struggle we went through to get permission for our marriage... and finally when I got that, I'm not going to lose it"she sighed.

Yeah...she is right,they both went through a real hard path to make their love a success.When they informed about their love to their respective families...the reaction was as expected and they were completely against this marriage and not to forget the typical Indian parent's emotional blackmail.

But I'm really proud of these two.. even after all the hard times they faced they did not give up on their love.

Yes that's right they are getting married!!!

"Fine, it's just that I don't want us to break off early but other than that I'm really happy for you guys"I sighed and tapped her hand.

"If Ash's marriage is preponed that means..." I grinned and gave a look to Deeps.

"Preparations for Ash's marriage"Deeps shouted putting her hands up.

"Hand over the list you prepared for your wedding"I raised my hand to get the list from Ash.

Formal wedding preparation was done by their families leaving us with bridal dress, makeup, photography and some other side works.

"Well this is not as hard I thought"

"Now you both get your asses off the chair and get started for Ash's Big Day"I smiled cheerfully.

After 6 hours of shopping from store after store I can literally feel my legs wobbling and same goes with Deeps but it's a whole lot different story with Ash, her energy hasn't come down even a little bit and that made me wonder will I feel the same way during my wedding preparations.

"That's it I have reached my threshold" Deeps threw the bags on the chair and sat spreading her legs widely under the table making me sigh.

"Come on order us something, it's your big day for which we are wasting our sweats" she ordered Raj in an authoritative tone making Ash giggle. After giving her a glare Raj went to order us food.

"Is your shopping over?" Raj asked after settling himself next to Ash but we can clearly hear his desperation in his voice which said 'please tell me it's over so that I don't have to listen to Deeps's talking anymore' and got a nod from Ash, a laugh from me and a glare from Deeps.

It's not a secret that Deeps has some tom boy features and is certainly not afraid to talk about anything and anywhere in a tone that would sound somewhat rude to others and that is exactly why men have some problems with her most of the time same goes for Raj, they never liked her attitude but she already made it clear that she don't give a damn.

"Well, if this is how it would be to prepare a wedding then I think I would just give up the idea of getting married, this tires the shit out of me" Deeps said making us all laugh.

It's time to get back home....Raj came to pick up Ash after her tiring day...and now it's just me and Deeps.I need to drop her in her home and then return to mine.

We both were rushing towards the parking area when I accidentally bumped into a man..

"Sorry"I apologized to him immediately.

"Watch out your steps woman"came his reply.

How rude!!!

"Excuse me.... I think I apologized and this is not the answer I expected"I countered back.

"I don't care about your expectation now get out of my way"he just pushed me and walked.


"Hey You, Mr. I don't care about anyone's expectation"I shouted and he turned... May be not only him the other passerbys also had their attention on us.

"This is not my expectation... This is some kind gestures which I think all would have learned during our schooling"

"So try to follow them rather than keeping them inside your pockets"I told him and took my scooty.

But what he did next was unexpected..
He stopped my scooty...


I'm already late...


"Who do you think you are??"he asked and that is when I noticed him.. His eyes are chocolate brown,his sharp nose is flaring and he do have a perfect jawline and his lips are like... like... I don't know but something beautiful. Well to be precise he is Handsome.

"Done checking me out??"he smirked.

That's when I came to the reality....

Stupid.. Idiot... Nonsense..

Why do you have to always put yourself into an embarrassing situation?

"Haha... In your dreams"

"Don't flatter yourself OK??"

Arrogant jerk!!

"Stop cursing me"he said keeping both his hands on my scooty.

"You kind of deserve that"I told and pushed his hands and started to drive but not before cursing him again.

"I heard that" he shouted with a smile.

"You are supposed to hear that"I shouted again and drove back to my home.

Hii guys... This is my first story.. Excuse me if any mistakes in there,I can assure that I will rectify it. I just want to thank you all for giving this story a try.. Thank you and enjoy reading..!!!

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