chapter 16

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I searched for him in every corner of this garden but he is nowhere to be found.

Where did he go??

I sighed and sat on the near by chair. I kept my gaze no where in particular.I was thinking about where he should have gone when I felt a tap on my shoulder.I turned to see my dad smiling at me. I was about to stand up when he gestured by his hand to be seated. He took a chair and sat in front of me.

I smiled at him"What happened Appa??"

"I don't know that my baby princess have grown into a beautiful woman..."he said caressing my head and immediately I  relaxed with his touch.

This is what known as parents love...

I smiled"You remember something princess? You were 7 and was on your summer vacation. You asked me to leave you at your aunty's house as Kasthuri and Hari are leaving for ooty to enjoy their vacation....but I said no saying that it will be too cold there and you will get sick and you cried all day saying that I don't love you and I neither care about you nor your the next day I took you to some theme park but you were silent all the day and even stopped talking with me for a week...."he smiled remembering those days.

I too smiled"But the real reason why I did not allow you to ooty is I can't stay without seeing your face even for a single day but you asked for a week. I was horrified on hearing that you will be away from me for a whole week so immediately I declined that idea...."he said with a sad smile on his face.

I bite my lips to control my sob"Even on the first day of your school, I was the one who cried more than you,after leaving you at the school I sat inside the car and cried for 2 hours...."he chuckled sadly.

I was fighting back my tears"But see, now you will be taken far away from me permenantly and I have to spend the rest of my life just thinking that my daughter is happy somewhere...."I did not attempt to control my tears anymore.

"This is the fate of every father....they will grow their daughter thinking them as their life line knowing the fact that someday it will be taken away from them"his eyes too had tears.

He wiped his tears hurriedly and smiled at me"But I am proud of you princess, you have been my princess all my life and now you will be a queen in someone's life..."

I remained silent as I don't know what to say.I haven't seen my father acting this emotional.It really hurted me to see my father in tears.I thought about all the ways to stop him from crying ,I even thought about calling off this engagement but my mind scolded me saying that this is the dumbest idea and I immediately dissmised that thought.

"Marriage life is something different from your normal life princess...there will be many hurdles you have to face and many sacrifices you have to do but  remember one thing that you are not the only one who will be facing all these....Ashwin will also have a hard time before settling into this marriage.So give each other space and time to get used to the marriage life...Love is all about adjusting and understanding, this is the only key for a successful marriage."he completed and I nodded my head like a kid.

He gave me a brief smile and stood up"Did you have the dinner??"he asked.

I shook my head saying no.He sighed and looked at his watch"It's past your dinner time...why you are so careless??"he scolded me and I smiled on seeing his concern.

I took his hand and caressed it"Appa....I am not hungry and if you think that I did not had anything, Amma gave me juice, so stop worrying about me and attend the guests..."I said adjusting his shirt buttons.

He still insisted me to have something but I refused it. Finally,he gave up and went to attend the guests.

I smiled at his retreating figure and saw him talking with one of his friends.I sighed and sat on the chair....Suddenly I felt lonely, no one is here with me.I don't where this Deepika and Kasthuri went.Even Arjun and Aishu are no where to be found and above all the groom itself is missing...I felt like crying and before thinking what is happening ,fresh tears pooled down my cheeks.

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