chapter 22

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I am really married???

I turned to my right side to see my husband staring at something outside the car window interestingly.


I am married...

I sighed and closed my eyes.I am feeling like I have taken rebirth,marriage is making me feel like a responsible woman.....I opened my eyes and looked down where the thali is hanging in front of my chest.My lips automatically curved into a smile.

Finally,I married the only love of my life...this feeling is completely new to me...only this man can make me feel in different ways....when I first saw him in the photo ,it stirred something inside my heart....when his eyes bored into mine the whole world seemed to spin only around me....when I held him in my arms I felt like the whole universe is just right there in my arms... now when I am his wife it is giving me a feeling as if I have won the whole universe....

"Penny for your thoughts..."I was dragged to the real world by a deep masculine voice.I blinked my eyes to see my husband eyeing me with some unreadable emotions.

I looked over him to see my in laws standing in the front porch of their house....scratch that.... in front of my new home...I mentally face palmed,I have been dreaming all over the ride...

I struggled with my saree to get down the car when he reached out his hand to help me.I took his help without any hesitation and stepped down the car.

"Welcome home dear..."Anjali aunty welcomed me and Ashwin by taking aarti.I smiled at her....

"Place your right leg and get inside the home Kayal..."she said and moved aside.I did as she said and entered my new home praying for all prosperity and wealth.

"What about me??"we turned to see Ashwin standing with a confused face.

"That is your wish...."Arjun commented and everyone started to laugh at this.

"This is not fair.....even I am newly married..."he whined like a kid.

"Such a drama queen...."Anjali aunty smiled and asked him to follow what I did.He smiled and walked inside the living room and stood beside me.We went staright to the pooja room.

"Let's see how smart your daughter in law is..."an anuty said to Anjali aunty and handed the match box to me.

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion  not understanding what is she implying.Anjali aunty smiled and patted my shoulder....I shifted my gaze to her.

"Nothing serious is just some old custom..."she cheered.

"What is that amma??"Arjun asked curiosly.

"Kayal has to lit the kuthu is said that how much stick she use to lit all the 5 faces of this vilaku will say how smartly she will handle the family...."she said to Arjun.

"Oh.....How much did you use??"came his next question.

"Only one..."came a voice from the enterance....we all turned to see Shekhar uncle smiling at Anjali aunty lovingly.She blushed and looked down.

How cute....

"Let's see how much her daughter in law uses..."the same aunty smirked at me.I started to feel nervous.

"My wife is smarter than you all think...."a soft hand wrapped around my shoulder.It felt so real when he addressed me his wife.My lips instantly curved into a smile.

"Oh.. really??....come dear show your smartness..."the same aunty said with attitude.I turned to have a look at my husband.He gave me an encouraging smile...I inhaled deep breathe and scratched the stick with the box and started to lit the vilaku.I grinned when I lit all the faces by using only one stick.

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