chapter 8

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Kayal pov

The whole mandap is lit and decorated with beautiful lights and flowers,by looking at these small children running and playing without any problem and sadness I smiled sadly missing being a small child....this area is now full of life with sounds of relatives,the pee pee...and dum dum...

"Hey beautiful..."my world of peace is disturbed by someone's tap on my shoulder.

I turned to see the intruder and it is Arjun,I just gave him a small smile.

"What is wrong with you guys??"he narrowed his eyes at me.

I very well know who he is talking about...I left out a deep sigh because I am not ready for this particular conversation right now,even Deeps tried to converse with me about this but I simply declined that idea.

"Are you ok??"he asked shaking my shoulders.

"Yes..yes...I am alright"I exasperated.

"Ya..ya I can see that..."he said with sarcasm.

"What is your problem Arjun??"I retorted at him.

"Whoa...whoa...calm down tigress"he said while raising his hands up.

"Look..I am just trying to help you...I can see that you are in some confusion...Is it something regarding Ashwin???"he asked concerned.

" like that..."I replied and looked down.

He made me look into his eyes by lifting my chin up."Really???"he asked looking straight into my eyes.

His gaze is strong and firm and for a second I thought that he is reading my soul.I shivered under his gaze and not able to hold onto that I averted my eyes.

"When I first saw you in the mall,I was stunned by your boldness...which girl would dare to admonish a stranger for not replying her properly???"he said with a smile on his face and I chuckled.

"And in the same night I saw your photo in my living room,when my mom asked my opinion,my reply was simple Yes and when she asked me, why this girl??,I just shrugged and said 'if not she then no one will match my brother' and I narrated that day's incident to my mom and to be frank she was quite impressed."

"What bothered us was Ashwin's decision...but we were surprised by his reaction after seeing your picture"he smiled and the happiness on his face is genuine.

"You can think Why even I am telling you all these??"

"Because I want you to know that you have already become a part of my family and you now own a special place in everyone's heart"he said the last part with a wink.I gave him a light slap on his shoulder and we both burst into laughter.

"Now get rid off this stupid grim face..."he said with a fake serious expression.

"Yes captain..."I saluted.

"Thank you..."I said after a long silence.

"Anytime...Anni(sister in law)"he gave his one of the heart warming smile,I think it is in their family genes.

"Ok...see you later,I have to go and check on Ash...Deeps is handling her alone"he just gave a nod.

On my way to Ash's room, Arjun's words were ringing in my ears...

You already own a special place in everyone's heart...I smiled remembering his words.

"Welcome you want anything here??"came Deeps sarcastic voice as soon as I entered the room.

"Eeee...sorry guys....I was caught up with someone"

"Can't your romance wait till Ash's wedding is over??"Deeps asked with a teasing smile on her face.

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