chapter 38

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Deepika pov

"Ok,I will call him myself....."I picked up my mobile and pressed the first contact in my dialled numbers list but cut the call immediately before it reaches the receiver and I have been doing this for the nth time from this evening.

"Argh..."I groaned and threw my mobile on the bed.

Why the hell he is not calling me??

"Did he really forgot??"I asked myself and checked the time.

"No way,how can he do that??he will not forget..."I convienced myself and picked up the mobile again.

"But what if he had really forgotten??"I asked myself again panicked.

"No no,he will call..."I assured myself and took a deep breathe.

"Relax,Deeps....he will call"I said and jumped down the bed.But before I open the bathroom door my mobile rang and I ran like a Hussain Bolt and picked the mobile only to face the disappointment.It is from my friend Ragavi.

I did not pick up the call and this time when I reached the bathroom door someone banged my room door making me groan.

Now,you can't escape...

Go and face it darling..

Could you please shut the hell up...


Good for you...

"Deeps..."my mom called my name and banged the door again.

"I told them not to do this..."I mused under the breathe but composed myself and opened the door.

"Happy Birthday Princess...."my dad is the first one to wish me and instantly I hugged him.

"Thank you,appa..."I smiled and broke the hug.He kissed my forhead.

"Wishing you all the success and happiness in this year my child...."he blessed me.

"Now,leave my daughter....I too want to wish her..."my mom said standing next to my dad and he did as he was told.

"Happy birthday Deeps..."my mom wished and hugged me.

"Thank you amma..."I said and she kissed me on my cheeks.

"I bless you to celebrate your next birthday with your husband...."she smiled and that did it.The colour drained from my face.

"Ammmaaaaa..."I dragged completely not liking her blessing.

"What??you are getting old right??"she asked.

"Amma..."this time my voice came out as a warning.

"Stop spoiling her day Manju..."my dad scolded my mom and she twisted her lips at him making me smile.

She can be a child sometime...

"Now,gift time..."my dad exclaimed and handed me a box and it was wrapped with pink wrapper.

"What is it appa??"I askes excited.

"See that for yourself..."he smiled and I immediately tore the wrapper.

Sorry,don't get me wrong ....I am not a girl blessed with patience😁😁

"Wow....Thank you appa..."I hugged and kissed him on his cheeks.

"It is just awesome...I love it"I said caressing the painting in front of.It is a painting I asked my dad 2 months ago in an exhibition but they said that someone already bought that painting.

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