Chapter 1: The Stream

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A/N: My first fanfiction published on this site, located after Episode 2 "Suffer the Children". I'm in love with this couple and I couldn't help the inspiration to write about them. My thing is definitely mature themes. It is a rather short story, but depending on the response that this work receives, I will publish the rest. I published this work in Spanish first. English is not my native language, but I will give my best.

He was doing it again. Hiding, like a fool. Eating alone and away from the rest.

He limited himself to look at her from a distance, in that way that provokes awkward silences and misunderstandings. To Clementine.

Louis kept a secret. It was intoxicating. He didn't have his best friend to vent his harshness. Nor could he take refuge in jokes. And he wanted to do it, he wanted to hide it so badly! He wanted to cover that feeling he could not explain, indecipherable. Something similar to what he had felt when he kissed Clementine, but increased a hundred times. He had no one to explain to him that it was that desire that normally surrounds people, and that not only would it stay inside himself, but it would also grow.

Why should he have been there, at that time? It had awakened something. Something that had been lethargic by the apocalyptic disaster they lived. Something that could have been contained with the daily fear of death. He would have succeeded in suppressing that flourishing need, if it had not been for the random machinations of that time.


Two days since the raiders had reached Omar, Aasim, and Violet. The school did not feel so safe anymore. Little and nothing the group had rested. Moreover, with Abel as a prisoner, without wanting to let go of a word of where his companions were. They would have to use other methods, but it was no longer known where the limit was, or even if there was such a thing. Added to that, they had installed traps of all caliber in the perimeter. Even small bells tied to strings to alert the proximity of a stranger. It was unlikely that the raiders would return, after it almost cost them their lives, but they couldn't swear that they wouldn't return.

Low spirits and low energy were causing havoc in the group. They were immersed in a terrible combination, and they knew it. No matter how much they prepared for an eventual rescue, they would not last three seconds if they continued like this. The most affected was Clementine, who had to watch over two. That's why, that morning, Ruby took the initiative to return to self-care.

—Clem, are you there? —the ginger asked, knocking on the door.

—Yes, come in. —Clementine answered, who had just awakened AJ.

—Hey, I've come to invite you here near the stream. We have to pause and clean up, or it will begin to affect our health.

Of course, Ruby knew about those things. And now that the group had shrunk, she was more valuable than ever. But there was a problem.

—What about AJ? —Clementine asked with concern.

—He can stay with Tennessee. He's downstairs, drawing.

—May I go with you, Clem? —AJ intervened.

—AJ, do you remember when I told you that the bodies of girls and boys are different?

—Nevermind. It doesn't bother me.

—Just stay, alright? I won't be long.

Already next to the stream, the flowing water transmitted a subtle, but significant peace. An armed peace, it could be called, because with one hand they removed dirt, and with the other they held a knife. Ruby was the first to take off some clothes to start grooming. Clementine imitated her, staying in her underwear, but she didn't know how to start.


—Go by parts. You can start with the face, then the arms and the chest. You can get dressed as you progress.

Clementine did what Ruby told her. With the fresh water, her skin breathed again. She sighed in relief when she felt that layer of dust come off. She continued, wishing internally that the current would be carry as much as possible. She was already buttoning her blouse back when a gust of wind played a trick on her.

—Clem, your hat. —alertó Ruby.

—Shit! —Clementine exclaimed, leaving everything to run after her hat.

Agilely she went through the vegetation, determined not to lose the only memory of her family. The hat fell on the water, making it difficult to recover, but it was achieved when Clementine jumped into the water and took it.

Victorious, she returned to the shore, but she wouldn't go far. She couldn't take two steps when she found herself face to face with Louis. It was then when everything stopped. She was stupefied, facing a boy who, judging from the rabbit on his shoulder, had been hunting. She suddenly forgot the little clothes she was wearing, and the breeze between her legs blowing. She couldn't anything else. Not with him there, discovering her with a look she didn't dare to interpret.

Louis felt something hot pouring into his veins when he noticed the bare skin. A burning fire that paralyzed him at once. He did not exist. He suddenly knew that he was the most insignificant being on earth. If someone had wanted to knock him down at that precise moment, human or walker, he wouldn't have put up any resistance. He didn't realize that his eyes were contemplating longing and that his mouth was trembling. And even if it was Clementine who showed her legs, the one exposed was him. For the first time, he didn't know what to say.

The girl's agitated breathing didn't help either. She was equal or more tense than him. The messy moment had its end when Clementine made use of reason, put on her hat without saying a word, and returned with Ruby. Louis remained silent as she walked barefoot along the shore, and watched the water fall from her black hair to her shoulders, soaking her blouse.

A heavy sigh emanated from the boy's lips when he saw himself alone again. He leaned his back against a tree and closed his eyes, overwhelmed by what had happened. He conjured up the image in his head. He could keep watching it from there. The drops that ran down her neck, the clothes attached, her helpless shyness. Full wet. He looked at her mentally over and over again. The way her waist was marked, the deep curve that ran from the hips to the thighs, the extraordinary color of the skin. And when she reached out to pick up her hat, she inadvertently revealed some old marks, scars from past struggles.

They had been living together for a while. And finally he was really watching her.

The best kind of trouble [Clementine x Louis] English versionWhere stories live. Discover now