8- Moments and Memories

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Read to the end... it's worth it ;)

Waking up the next morning, I was greeted by a throbbing headache. Figuring it was due to dehydration, I slowly stood up to grab a cup of water before recalling the previous night's events. Groggily, I turned my aching head to read the clock sitting on the nightstand.

1:00 P.M.

"Oh my god, I'm so late!" I yelled in a sudden panic.

Ignoring the pain, I left out of bed, tearing clothes out my neatly packed suitcase in search of  a suitable outfit. As the blood pounded in my ears, I heard a faint noise coming from the other side of the room.

It almost sounded like someone laughing...

Slowly, I turned around to see Toni sitting on the bed behind me, giggling. Upon my notice of her, she broke into complete hysterics.

"Toni!" I shouted, throwing a nearby pillow at her. "We have to go, we're so late!"

"Cheryl, calm down- There's no game today."

I felt my heart rate immediately begin decreasing. I looked at Toni, sighing defeatedly, which she only returned with more laughter.

"Well, now what?" I insinuated, trying to pull together some remaining shreds of dignity.

"The other girls already left for the Greendale Shopping Center, but I figured I'd let you sleep after last night's...

I felt my heart sink. I knew she remembered, but I guess a little part of me hoped that she didn't.

"...endeavor." Toni finished, looking at me with the same pitiful eyes she had given me the night before.

Oh, how I hated those eyes.

"I'm no wimp, Toni," I spat," You could've woken me up- I don't need you to babysit me."

"Oh, I wouldn't even attempt to babysit you- I doubt I could handle it," Toni rebuked, her lips slowly turning up at the corners.

"Damn straight," I snapped back, before sitting down on the bed opposite her.

After a few seconds of silence, Toni finally spoke.

"Well, what ARE we going to do?"

"I don't know, we could get out of here." I suggested, "I can't bear to be cooped up in this tacky hotel room anymore."

"Do you have a car?"

"Damnit," I sighed, laying down backwards onto the bed. 

"Great, guess we have to stay in here then," Toni groaned.

"What do you suggest we do then?" I quipped, sitting up to face her.

Suddenly, Toni's eyes lit up.

"Ooh, let's play Truth or Dare!"

I raised my eyebrows, surprised at the enthusiasm the gang member across from me had towards play such a generic party game.

"What?" Toni grinned, recognizing my judging expression. "I grew up with the Serpents! I've never gotten to play any games besides wrestling matches and what Sweet Pea likes to call "Who Can Eat the Oldest Food from the Basement."

"Fine," I sighed. I played off a reluctant expression, but I almost found myself smiling at the light in Toni's eyes.

"She's cute when she's happy," I found myself thinking, before snapping out of my trance.


"Okay, Truth or Dare," I smirked.

"Um, Truth."

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