Chapter 4 - The Burn Down

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'The times when I want to hide it.... 

it's so close to being revealed.... 

they've lost everything... me? 

I lost only half of what they lost...'



A day after my qualification, I ended up stuck with the Elric's. I have no problem with Al but.... "Stop staring at me!" and there you have it, by colonel bastard orders I have to be stuck with him until I have my first two missions. Then I'm home free! "I'm not staring at you," I correct Ed, "I'm glaring at you shorty." The two needed to do something here in Resembol, and I already knew their reasons. "So how long are we gonna stay in the country?" I yawned, putting my hands behind my head to stretch. "We won't be here long, brother and I just have to do one last thing before we can start our journey," Al informs and gets a nod I reply from me. It's sad, burning your home to make sure there's no place to go back to, makes you wanna stop them. 'Wait... If we're here in Resembol... We might end up meeting the Rockbell's! They'll spill the beans about me having a mechanical limb!" my thoughts screamed in realization.

Before I could back away and make a run for it, we all heard barking in the distance. "Too late...." I groaned as I watched a dust cloud coming in close. Before I could make out what it was, something jumped at me in a flash and before I knew it I was on the floor getting my face licked to death. "Gah! Get off of me!!!" I screeched as I felt the dog's tongue slobber my face. I could practically hear Ed and Al laughing! "Hey guys!" Winry greets as she runs up to us. I gasped as I finally got Den off me. "Put a leash on him!" was the only thing I could say before the dog tried to attack me again.

"So you guys know Catherine?"  

"Yeah she just happen to be my temporary partner, how do you know her?"  

"Oh I found her in front of the house injured."  

"How bad?" Al butts in.  

"Well she was-"

Jumping at this, I instantly covered her mouth babbling out random excuses, "I was losing a lot of blood from being attacked by a thug!" "But-" again I stopped her by dragging her away chanting, "Oh I think Pinako is waiting~!" Not one of my best moves, but I had to try and make sure the two knuckleheads don't find out or there's gonna be a long interrogation. "What gives?" Winry asks as soon as I let go of her. "I don't want them to know... not until I get the courage to do it myself," I explain without looking back at Winry. "But you lost your arm in an accident," the mechanic points out. Now she reminded me of my other lie! I haven't told anyone the truth yet. That might have to be soon, because of my actions earlier the boys are suspicious now, especially Ed.


I was discussing a few things with the two Rockbell's before going back to the boys. "Are you sure you don't want them to know?" Pinako asks before blowing on her pipe. "They will find out on their own soon enough if you don't tell."

The three if us were having our discussion inside their operating room while checking on my automail arm. "I know Pinako... I just don't want to be a burden to anyone... It's bad enough I caused you two so much trouble to make my arm," I say with sincerity in my voice but still tried to hold back and screams or shimmers after feeling something hurt in my nerves. "Don't worry," Winry reassures me, "it's our job as automail mechanics to gives limbs to those that need it!" I was shocked at this, to think I hated Winry for no good reason. Well... That was until- "Now it all comes done to the payment," Winry smiles a very evil smile. In my head I screamed, 'I take it back! I officially hate that woman!' From behind we all heard the door open making me panic on putting my shirt on. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't know someone was in there!" I hear squeal a bit from behind the door.

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