Chapter 7 - New Optain

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Strange... there are so many things that are so familiar to me... And yet..... it feels like I knew them for a long time... Impossible.... I've always known them! But.... it's more like... a distant memory than a story... '



"And stay out ya brat!" the old granny yells as I was kicked/thrown out of the hotel. I landed on top of the dirt road on my butt, landing in a fair two feet away. She slammed the doors shut and the hotel started to come back to life in a flash. I stood up from my spot and dusted myself from all the dirt that went all over me. "For a place that's called 'New' Optain sure is pretty damn old!" I yell back in sarcasm, making sure that they heard me from the inside. I bet they didn't care at all. What sort of place doesn't allow women to stay in!? Right now I was in the place that Mustang had told me about, New Optain. I heard rumors along the way that there have been sudden disappearances around here. "Great... Mustang sent me to a place where a psychopathic man is kidnapping girls," I groan with a slight hint of anger in my voice. 

After what happened before, he still has the nerve to send me to a place that can nearly get me killed, again! I took a look around the scene around me, old and pretty much like a dump. "No way in heck am I going to help this place," I dusted myself off as I stood up from place. The hotel I was in was the only damn hotel here, no wonder there not many people come to visit this place. I was about to leave until a women runs into me. "Ow!" we both yelp in surprise, once again I fell down to the durt floor below. "Ok lady, what's your problem...." I trailed off when I saw who I bumped into. This Lady looked like Psiren from FMA original! What was her real name again....? Clara? "Uh... hi?" was the only thing I could say at the awkward moment that was happening right now.

\\2 Days Later//

The lady, surprisingly, was called Clara. She lived in a small home, taking care of travelers that need a place to stay. There were so many faces and names that were so familiar, like the Tringham brothers for example. They still are the same as the others that I knew. It was so scary to see how well they all resembled the other counter-parts, I even watched as some use alchemy on certain things that only they could do. 'This is rather awkward...' I thought as I watched people buzzing around the place, and right now I'm sitting with an old lady name, 'Dante'. That's right, the bad guy from the original sitting next to me as if she was an innocent old women with a good heart. I was so glad that Lyra was still in Youswell and that Wrath was not here (the other one). "So um...." I didn't even know what to call the old lady until she spoke up, "Dante Alighieri, I'm an alchemist as yourself."

I was so shocked that I didn't even notice my mouth was wide open when Russell spoke up, "Keep that up and a fly will enter." I glared at the boy's back as he casually walks away whiling whistling at the same time. "How can you tell I'm an alchemist Ms. Alighieri?" it was true, usually you could tell is if you have a transmutation anywhere near you hands/gloves, or when you use alchemy infront of others. "Your pocket watch is hanging from your belt," she was correct about that, it was sticking out and laying by my side out by my side. A sweat drop formed on the back of my head as I stared down at the thing. "Right..." I grumble with a slight hint of embarrassment in my voice, tucking the watch back into my pocket. But not before a certain little kid wanted to take a better look at it. "Are you really a state alchemist miss?" Fletcher gazes at me with envy filled in his eyes.

I flinched at this, unable to say anything from how he was staring at me. "Yes and I'm known as the Mercury Alchemist," I inform the little boy, getting a huge smile from the kid and all the people stopped after hearing what I just said.

"You're a state alchemist!?"

"I've heard of her! The Mercury Alchemist, she's the very first known female state alchemist ever!"

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