Chapter 17 ~ An Alchemists' Sorrow

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'She was right there... 

Right in my grasp... 

and I just let her... 

How can I just let that happen to her...!?'

Chapter 17 ~ An Alchemists' Sorrow


I gapped in awe at another familiar sight that has once again left me speechless. This library is- "Awesome!" Took the words right out of mouth Ed, this was a whole damn lot of books for a guy who's always worried about his state license. He has a lot of research material that any alchemist would kill for! Although if it was up to me then I would literally take that notion seriously and without a doubt will I not hesitate to kill Tucker without hesitation, if that was the only way to save Nina that it's fine by me! "I'll take this shelf!" Ed declares as he rushes towards the nearest bookshelf. "I'll take this one!" Al follows his brothers lead and takes over his own shelf to pick from. Feeling left out, I ran towards the one beside Ed and yell, "Don't leave me out of this! I'm gonna read these books faster than you Ed!" I hear Mustang inform us from behind, "I'll send someone later to come pick you up." I look over my shoulder then at Ed, who already had his nose stuck in his book, deaf to his surroundings and didn't really care what was going on at the moment.

"Alright! I'll be the one to tell them later!" "You better Mercury, or else you'll be the one taking responsibility if they miss their ride." "I'm not their babysitter!"

Mustang shakes his head with a smile on his face and walks out of the room to leaves us to continue our reading session, as for Tucker he just politely smiles at me before closing the door behind his back. I sigh in relief when the two adults finally left us alone. When I laid my eyes on Ed a few inches away from, I just smile at his determination then went to searching through the vast quantity of books I could see, although it may take me a while until I find the proper book that I can actually read without getting bored to death. 'Focus Cat! These are just science book! Imagine them as the kind of books you read before back at home! Except that was when I was in 6th grade...' my thoughts ran as I continued to scan each book that was in my level of height. The problem about all these books... I don't understand any of the titles! I sweat drop while muttering to myself, "This is um... Jesus Christ I've been an alchemist for 3 years, and yet I still can't understand any of this crap..."

This is probably one of my most embarrassing moments ever to happen to me. The one thing to expect, after a short amount of time of self-learning how to use a science that's been dead for centuries in your world, is that you'd be able to not only use it, but to understand the scientific terms that apply to it. "But," my head explode from too much pressure, "how the heck do I read something I know I won't be able to read...!?' I turn my head to check on how the two boys were keeping up only to find them already in comfortable positions already reading next to a stack of books they probably took out themselves. I anime fall to the side, for the first time in forever (me: Do not think of Frozen right now!), at my own stupidity on taking so long just to pick on stupid book to read. And they picked out stacks of books to read! "Aw screw it!" I finally snap, grabbed a random book I saw and plop myself onto the ground.

'It's not like we'll be here long.'

++Few minutes Later++

I hate being a fast reader, meaning I really hate myself right now. 'This is so boring! It's like being in detention at the school library all over again! Only pure bookworms are able to take in this much crap in a day! I've only read about 10 books, and yet every single page gives me a headache for not understanding a single scientific word!' my inner thoughts rant in frustration, while in reality I was sitting on the ground pretending I was still reading a book. 'Might as well figure out what to do with Nina,' I sigh at the thought, 'the very least I can to is try my best on helping Ed and Al find the information they're looking for. If I'm right I remember reading online that there are some parts of the 2003 version that similar to brotherhood... God damn it why did I just finish watching episode 5 or remember any of the parts of volume three!? I wasted my 2 weeks of my lunch money for that!'

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