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Have you ever had that laugh with your best friends, where you laugh so hard that it blocks your windpipes and makes it difficult to breathe? Then you look at each other, recall what happened then burst into another fit of laughter without saying anything.

Have you?

Well, that's what's happening right now. Here's what happened.

I was walking with my two best and only friends— Humaira and Anisa— when a guy started following us. Do you know those kinds of shameless guys that follow anything and everything? Yeah, those.

He was like 'ya bebis ji mana' I wanted to turn around and insult him and his generations but I refrained from doing so because Umma always tells me not to insult or humiliate people. Firstly it's wrong and inappropriate and secondly, we don't know what the person is capable of doing, some might even go as far as bewitching you to make you fall in love with them, make you go gaga, stop you from getting married or something along the line. Yeah, it happens, but just hold onto your duahs tightly and bi iznil Allah, no harm will come your way.

But God knows that my feisty attitude has gotten me in trouble more times than I can count. My maternal grandmother use to call me Jiddarh jaraba or Jiddarh masipappiya. I silently said a prayer for them, I pray they are in a better place.

Anyway, that idiot kept on calling bebis. He was wearing a bright yellow shirt with orange trousers, it was so cringeworthy, and the trousers were more than halfway down his butt. He was doing...Uhm what do they call it? Aha! Ass down, disgusting!

He kept following us for more than thirty minutes, my mouth was itching to give him a piece of my mind. And the English he was speaking.... mehn that was the highlight of the day.

I study abroad, Ingila. My friends use to call me 'dan gaye cuz I know how to do wanka. I'm a musician by blood. The first time I see you, my heart starts doing li dis li dat. They call me sharu khan bicoz I am an romantic......... and so on.

I decided I've had enough, I turned around and nicely told him to leave us alone, well as nicely as I could manage. But the idiot wouldn't listen and keep on following us, it was embarrassing and annoying, people kept looking our way.

We were then going to cross a drain. The bridge was a small wood fit for a person to pass at a time. Anisa, Humaira, and I passed safely, the boy was almost at the end when the wood shifted, and bam! He fell into the gutter. The gutter was very dirty, as in smelly sewage dirty. We laughed our butts off, you should have seen his face. We peacefully arrived at our destination, Humaira, and Anisa's house.

They live in a big family house, with their grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles. They are cousins, their fathers are brothers, with Anisa's father being the eldest. We went to Anisa's side as Humaira's mom has traveled.

They are kind of rich, not as rich as my employers but rich. I still wonder why they're friends with me. Not that they've ever made me feel out of place and I love them for that.

"Which one of us was he talking to?" Anisa asked after we finished eating.

Humaira hummed, taking a seat on the floor. "I think it was Jiddarh."

"Me!" I gasped out loud from where I was sitting. "Why would you say that?" I glared at Humaira.

Anisa hissed and rolled her eyes as if I asked the stupidest question. "You're the prettiest obvi." She said in a duh tone.

I laughed sarcastically with an eye roll. "Oh common."

I'm fair in complexion like Umma. I do not have an hourglass shape, I'm thin not extremely thin though, and I do not have never-ending long legs. My height, I'd say moderate. I'm honestly a plain Jane, the only unique things about me are my large, round eyes courtesy of my maternal grandmother and a cute little birthmark on the right side of my upper lip.

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