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Where are the night owls🌚❤️

Alright, good night! Wait, is it good morning?! Anyway... enjoy 😊

I didn't go to work for three days. When I called Hajiya to inform her, she just hissed and said it'll be deducted from my salary. Smh, wallahi I have no idea how I keep up with that woman. Umma refused to let me do anything, she said and I quote, "Let me take care of you, it has been a while since I've done that." I've been so busy that I've forgotten how it feels to be pampered by my mother. And if I'm honest with myself, I need it. It feels good to relax and catch up with Umma, I miss it.

Umma has just left to drop Rumana at school, she has eased into the routine that she feels uncomfortable if she doesn't do it. I'm really glad, Rumana even said it's their mother-daughter bonding time and I couldn't be happier. While growing up I was very close to my Mom, she has always been my best friend and I don't want Rumana to miss out on that incredible feeling and bond.

I decided to clean the house before Umma returns, even though I know she'll scold me. But my leg is better now, there's still a dull pain when I walk but it's nothing I can't handle. Umma said it was very stupid of me to walk with a glass embedded in my skin, I agree with her, now I'm paying the consequences of my carelessness. The wound is humongous though, it'll take a while for the place to fill up.

"Assalamu alaikum." I heard Umma's voice just when I was through with my work. "Wa'alaikumus salam," I answered, drying my hand with a towel.

"Jiddarh?" She called out, she must have gone to the room and found it empty.

"In the kitchen," I yelled. I heard the sound of her footsteps approaching the kitchen. "Welcome back," I said over my shoulder as I stir the stew.

"What are you doing?" Umma asked as she walked in. "Didn't I tell you to stay in bed?" She scolded.

I mentally rolled my eyes. "Umma you're talking as if I've gone handicapped, it has healed I'm okay."

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes upward. Well, at least I know where I got my sass from. "I know, I just want to pamper you a bit, is that wrong?"

"Nope Umma, but you know me, I cannot sit down in one place doing nothing." Umma hummed and took a seat on the small chair beside me. "What did you cook? Isn't it too early to cook lunch?"

"Nah," I shook my head. "It's never too early to cook lunch before you know it, you'll hear the adhan."

"It's just 9 o'clock Jiddarh." Umma deadpanned. I smiled sheepishly. "There was nothing to do, so I cooked lunch." Umma just shook her head. I turned off the stove and packed the food in a warmer. Umma went to her room to take her medicine while I took the warmers to the living room then went to take a bath.

Let me tell you, it was hella painful standing while bathing. I don't think the wound has healed, oh ni Jiddarh. I have to go back to that clinic, my medicine has finished and it looks like I can't handle the pain. I might seem like a tough cookie—which I am— but I despise anything that'll tamper with my physical wellbeing. I'm the type of girl that doesn't want a single scratch on her body, I just can't handle it.

That's why I only have one earring piercing per ear, the one that was done to me since I was a baby. Had it been ears are not pierced till a person grows up then I wouldn't have had one. During my secondary school days, lots of my classmates got their second ear piercings, some third, some even pierced their nose. But for me, no! Na ah, no way! Anisa and Humaira whined, begged, and pleaded but nope! There's no way I'm piercing my ear not now, not ever. Even Rumana has two ear piercings!

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