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I'm such a sweetheart, I know💆🏻‍♀️😌
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Silent readers, how market🌚

Enjoy 🥂

I resumed work the next day. I got up early, as usual, I cleaned the house and cooked breakfast before waking up Rumana. I got her ready, we ate food before saying goodbye to Umma.

I then dropped Rumana at school, there I was reminded of the school fees I'm yet to pay. Ya Allah. I apologized and asked them to please give me a week at most. They thankfully agreed I have to talk to Hajiya about my salary. She hasn't paid me last month and this month is already ending tomorrow.

"Bye Ya Jiddarh." Rumana waved energetically. "Bye," I waved with the same enthusiasm. "Ayi karatu da kyau; read properly." I smiled one last time before leaving.

I arrived at my place of work, I knocked on the gate, Baba tsoho opened the gate grinning widely as usual. And as usual, I didn't spare him a glance, I don't have time for that.

I walked into the house, I met Hajara all decked up in a fuchsia-colored dress that hugs her figure tightly, leaving nothing for imagination. Her face is caked with makeup, her hair—which she fixed by the way— was wrapped in a messy bun.

Ni Jiddarh! This early morning.

"What are you looking at?" She barked. I didn't say anything, I don't want trouble this early morning so I walked away.

I went to the kitchen straight, after greeting Inna Lami I started with my work. I did everything neatly, as it should be. I even swept the whole compound today because the gardener didn't come.

My back hurts a bit, I need to swallow some pain killers. Pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

"Hey Sa'adah," I said without turning around.

"How do you know I'm the one?" She asked in confusion. I rolled my eyes, is that even a question? No one, literally no one in this house will do this except her. "You know what, don't answer. What are you doing?"

"I'm going to water the plants." I picked up the hose. "Isn't that the gardener's job?" I shrugged. "Well, he's not here."


I finally turned around to look at her. "Sa'adah," I warned sternly. She raised her hands in surrender. "sorry," I realized she's still in her pajamas, a SpongeBob pajamas. "nice PJs."

She grinned. "Why thank you." She responded with a fake British accent. "I'll help." She picked up the second hose and we watered the whole plant.

The whole house is surrounded by flowers of different types and colors. Grasses cover either side of the driveway with tall trees at the end. The gardener does a great job because the place is always neat and the flowers are always healthy and trimmed to perfection. The house is extra beautiful during rainy days.

I particularly love how this house is structured. The two-story building is situated in the middle, the BQ at the far right, you can't see it from the gate then finally the young master's apartment, which's directly behind the main house with a walkable distance in between. The parking space/garage is located on the left alcove of the wall, before reaching the main building.

I accidentally splashed Sa'adah with water. She gasped. "Oh no you didn't," she pointed the host at me. "this means war." she sprayed me with water, I gasped which resulted in me coughing because the water entered my mouth.

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