Your Life Would Be Better On Mars

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This based on Demolition Lovers by @Jeffersonsmacaroni7, so go read that. Hope you enjoy.....maybe. WORDS.

Your father came and went like the ocean’s tide,

Damian was just a kid when he sobbed into Janis's arms. The only person he thought would ever be there for him.... Gone. He didn't smile again for weeks, such a sensitive child back then. She vowed that day that she would show him that she cared, no matter what it took.

And the day he left he never said goodbye,

And then it happened to her. She was old enough to understand, turning mute in school and refusing to paint until she broke into the warm embrace of her best friend. Life was simple back then, wounds were easier to heal. They've always had each other, but now they're helpless as the war strips them of all they love.

Your mother started drinking like the whole world died,

Karen brought herself up. There was never a dad and her mum was usually unconscious or away. She never learnt like a normal child, no she spent all her time hiding in her room. Never hidden well enough. The scars still show on her skin, faint but there. She can't hide the scars in her brain. She had to get away and helping people always felt like an escape. At least she could help others if she couldn't help herself.

You’ve been waiting for a miracle all your life,

Passing between foster families never truly wanted. Gretchen never had anyone who loved her, never got gifts or hugs, just got returned. The war gave her a family. The fighting was hard, but she had to make the world fair. Miracles don't exist....
But Karen has come pretty close.

'Cause if the fires don’t burn it down,

Safe at home, you watch the world burn through a screen. It seems worlds away. You ignore it. The soldiers there don't seem like real people with real lives, but they are. They smile, they laugh, they cry, they love, they lose. They dance through the flames, praying to get purpose from life.

The rains will wash it away,

As the hoses pounded the building, Janis looked around dazedly. A small blonde haired body lay crumpled on the ground. Lyssa. Her eyes were open, unblinking, her body mangled from the blast. She was gone. And yet Janis still lived. The scream tore from her throat. The world had let her die, let Lyssa die. The warm arms that encircled her couldn't help this time. They couldn't bring back what she'd lost.

If you’re looking for solid ground,

She wanted to enlist. Janis, a soldier, throwing herself into danger. He couldn't stop her, but he wouldn't let her go alone. He swore never to get her hurt, but she isn't making it easy.

A stone will never break,

Shane may look tough and unforbidding. Yeah, that's what he wanted you to think. He'd never show you all he lost, why he was fighting in this hopeless war. His scars aren't visible, no-one would understand.... But when he shakes in fear and pain, it's not the war that he's seeing.

So give me all your pain,

Regina took it all. It was her job. Her job to keep them together. Fear is her enemy, she can't be frightened. One wrong step and they die. Oh, how they die. Every frozen face, every tattered body. She blames herself every time. But she can't be weak, she has to stand, to lead, to fight. Don't let them in, don't let them see.

And love will set you free,

Cady kept Janis alive. It's true, her quick thinking cured her. But Janis kept Cady going too. Without the comforting presence beside her, she would have gone insane. No-one can take all that pain and survive. They're both scarred and neither of them can help that. But however many times Janis tried to kill her, she was keeping Cady alive. They're both safe and alive.

Give me all your shame,

There's something they all regret. It never goes away. Each of them are broken, irreparable, but somehow they must move on. Move on..... Into a life somehow crueler than it's ever been. Humans are the worst predator and boy do they know it.

Put all your weight on me,

Ever since her dad left, Damian had promised to walk her down the aisle. And she wouldn't let him back down. Her shaky leg throbs as she clings to him like a limpet, but that's Cady and this is her best friend and he's already crying and.... Oh.... So is she. His smile is soft and warm and she knows Lyssa would have wanted this. She's home, she's safe... She's happy.

And I'll be the stone that you need me to be,

They all seemed surprised when Shane offered to look after Gretchen. Truth is, she reminds him of his sister. He can't watch the light slip out of her too. In her safe company, he allowed the tears to fall as she called yet again for Karen. He knew how it was to lose someone like that. They all did. They all did.

You spend your nights looking at the stars,

Karen was her light. The smiling happy friend, with the softest kisses. They'd snuck out and cuddled under the darkening sky. Karen was her light.... And now darkness is descending.

Thinking your life would be better on Mars,

"I'm a martian," Karen giggles and Gretchen smiles too.

Janis never belonged on earth..... She belonged in the emptiness of space.

"How dare my son be gay.... Damian, that's sick. You're not even worthy of being a human."

Cady was the outsider. Alone under the savannah skies. More lion than human.

Gretchen was the child without a home, without anywhere to call her own.

Regina was queen bee. Always. So why does she feel so alone?

Shane never wanted to live on this planet. This cruel, cruel planet. He knew full well how much life can hurt.

Checking your pulse just to feel it beat,

They're alive. How are they alive? How did they deserve to live when so many others didn't? Why...? Why them? Why this?

Looking for a stone to keep the peace,

They're all just as broken. No longer can they turn to the safety of a friend's arms. This cannot be fixed.

Broken, shattered, pieces scattered. Alone. Alive. Barely. Happy? Sometimes. Yes. Lonely among friends. Never safe, never home. Can't run away. That's what war does.

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