I See Stars

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This is so bad, but I have to practice dialogue and plot, so I guess, enjoy this. Please leave feeback / constructive criticism.

The stars. Familiar and comforting to both of the girls who lay under them, sharing the warmth of a blanket on the moon-lit hill. The night couldn't have been more perfect and neither could they.

For Cady, the stars were Janis's way of letting her in. Janis's favourite park where they were finally alone. Alone and in love. Africa and America combined, her favourite parts of both worlds. But even amongst the stars, Janis shone brighter, her dark hair fanning out between them, absentmindedly rubbing circles on Cady's hand. Janis, ever strong, at peace in the moonlight, letting her guard down for Cady.

For Janis, this was safety. Peace. Escape. The city she hated melting away in a blur of light, drowned out by the endless constellations. In Cady's eyes, she felt at home, knew she was finally going to be okay. Cady's thoughtful smile, soft and shadowed by the low light, had Janis's heart. Her Cady, her Caddie-Cat, her jungle freak, hers. The first thing she could truly own, that would never be snatched away. She owed her life to Cady.


"Jan, what are you thinking?"

"Hm?" Janis turned towards her. "I'm thinking about you"

"Oh yeah? What are you thinking about me?

"I've been waiting a long time for you, Caddie. I didn't know it, but I was..... I waited..... All these years."

Cady squeezes Janis's hand, sensing her getting upset. "That's sweet, Jay. It's okay, you don't have to tell me."

"I've never had anything that was just mine. We never had enough money. Not since my dad left.... I thought maybe that I belonged with the stars, that they would love me better."

"Shh, Jay, I know. Don't say that, please. You belong here, with me. Don't leave."Cady shuffles closer, leaning her head on Janis's shoulder, smiling as her girlfriend sighs in content. Janis smells familiar, like paint and lemons and something else, perfectly complementing the cool night air. "You have me now, thamani. I'm never going to leave you."

"You're so beautiful, Caddie. I love you."

Cady smiles, burrowing further into her shoulder. "Mm, you're warm." She falls still, breathing softly and Janis holds her, watching her soften as she falls asleep. 

"I love you, Caddie-Cat." Pressing a kiss to her forehead, Janis leans her head back, losing herself in the swirling expanse of light among dark.

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