Tea Leaves and Twinkies

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Egon watched his mother as she set two plates of toast on the dining table for herself and her son. Mr Spengler had not left for work yet, but Egon could hear him muttering under his breath that he was already late enough as it is. Mrs Spengler laid out a fresh bowl of porridge and two smaller empty bowls for herself and Egon; who was pouring himself a glass of orange juice. Mr Spengler came out into the dining room in his suit and tie with his briefcase to grab a quick snack before leaving.

"I'll call you if I'm working late again and I'll let you know what's going on with this conference." He said as he grabbed a piece of toast and kissed his wife goodbye.

Egon watched as his father turned to him and looked at him like he was going to say something.

"Don't burn down the house while I'm gone." The tired man warned as he left the dining room and walked out of the house.

Egon just ignored him and grabbed a bowl to have some porridge. Mrs Spengler watched with concern as her son dug into his breakfast with a rather distant look in his eyes. Maybe she should bring up something to talk to him about.

"So, have you decided what you want to do?" She asked rather blankly.

Egon was about to put a spoonful of porridge in his mouth when his mother asked the question with no context.

"Do what?" He asked for clarification.

Mrs Spengler shook her head as her son forgot about what was happening next week. He was quite a genius at his age, but he would forget his head if it was not attached to his body.

"Your birthday, Spookums. It's next week before thanksgiving." She reminded him.

Egon blinked as he remembered and realised that he was turning twelve next week. But he had not decided what he wanted to do for his birthday.

"Right; umm... I'm not sure." He confessed before digging into his porridge and toast.

"Really? I thought maybe you'd want to go to the museum." Mrs Spengler assumed.

"We went there for my last three birthdays. I'll let you know by the end of the week." Egon reassured.

Mrs Spengler would have rather had a definite answer now, but she let her son take his time.

"Alright. I just wanted to see if you want to invite anyone besides Uncle Cyrus or Grandma Mildred; that's all." She explained as she dug into her breakfast.

Egon just continued eating his porridge as Mrs Spengler tried to think of something to talk about. Then she had an idea.

"Say, Egon. If you're not doing anything today, how about you go over to Mr and Mrs Polanski's house and help them with some chores?" She suggested with a smile. "Like maybe... Take their dog for a walk."

Egon froze with a spoonful of porridge in his mouth when his mother mentioned the neighbour's dog. He swallowed his food with difficulty before replying to her.

"Mother, have you seen their dog?" He asked as if she said something crazy. "It's a St. Bernard and it jumps on me and licks me every time it sees me."

"Oh, Spookums; that's just his way of saying he likes you." Mrs Spengler reassured him.

"I don't hate dogs; I just don't like it when they drool on me." Egon said as he crossed his arms.

Mrs Spengler just shook her head at the stubborn tone of her son. But she had her way of convincing him.

"Well... least he's a dog, and not a spider."

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