Wasps and Monsters

40 1 0

(7 years before)


Egon struggled to keep up with his tall father as they walked through the park. As they walked through and passed some trees, Mr Spengler noticed how cautious Egon was being; making rather peculiar noises as he stepped over a few loose roots. The man smiled a bit as he stopped and helped the boy walk over them.

"It's alright; just one step at a time, Egon." He reassured and encouraged his son.

Egon finally managed to get over the dangerously loose roots; standing on safe flat ground. Mr Spengler picked up his son and held him up. Egon took a good look around now that he had a better view of the park.

"W-where're the bugs?" He asked with a shudder in his young voice.

Mr Spengler gave the boy a light smile as he walked over to a nearby tree.

"Look very closely." The father said as he pointed to a low branch with plenty of leaves on it.

Egon stared very carefully. Upon closer inspection, he could see a little red bug with black dots on it; crawling on the green leaf before spreading its wings and flying off. Egon watched in awe before it disappeared into the top of the tree.

"Ladybugs are quite fast despite being so little." Mr Spengler commented as he put Egon back on the ground. "Much like someone else I know."

Egon looked up at him with a slightly confused face as he pointed at himself. Mr Spengler let out a light laugh as he took the little boy's hand and lead him through the park.

"So, Egon; is there anything else you want to see here besides insects?" He asked as he led his son through the grassy area.

Egon thought about it for a moment before something came to mind.

"Can we find any fungi to take home with us?" He asked with a rather excited tone.

Mr Spengler raised a brow as he smiled back.

"For your new collection, I take it?" He asked in a rather humouring tone.

"Yes!" Egon quickly answered back; telling his father that he was not joking.

Mr Spengler gave his son a look of question before smiling again.

"Well." He looked around as he led the boy foreword; stopping when he saw something at the base of another tree. "I think I see something there."

Egon looked towards where his father was pointing. The boy had a little smile of anticipation when he spotted a small patch of little white ball shaped mushrooms. The boy let go of his father's hand and ran to get a closer look. Mr Spengler simply kept up with the boy; telling him not to run too fast. Egon got on his knees to look at the specimen of fungi. Mr Spengler just found it astonishing how his son found joy in such an add activity; but he was learning from it. If he was learning and gaining knowledge from it, then that was a good thing.

But the smile on Mr Spengler's face faded when he had a buzzing sound from above. The man looked up before his eyes went wide with worry.

"Egon?" He said to get his sons attention.

"Hm?" Egon muttered as he turned his head.

"Don't move."

Egon did what his father told him. But he gave the man a rather confused face before he too heard the loud buzzing. Mr Spengler kept his eye on whatever he was looking at as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the key to the car.

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