Cats and Ghosts

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AN: If anyone reading has severe arachnophobia, You might want to skip the paragraph that starts with "spiders webbing".


Blurry shapes and bright lights were all Egon could see as the boogieman dragged him into the depths of the closet. The boy continued to scream out even though it was pointless. After a minute of being carried through what he thought was some kind of portal, Egon could feel the monster come to a stop. He heard an evil and raspy laugh as he felt himself being lifted by a cold pair of hands; sharp claw like nails digging into the sleeves of his pyjamas and almost into his skin. Egon could not see clearly, but the horrible and sick grin of the Boogieman was all too easy for him to see.

"Now I have you." The boogieman spoke in a raspy and demonic voice. "Did you think hiding in another house was going to stop me from finding you?"

Egon could only hyperventilate as the monster spoke to him in a grim yet playful tone. The Boogieman just gave the boy a toothy grin full of sharp teeth.

"I can smell your fear. You were never safe from me." He taunted.

Egon just responded by struggling; kicking and squirming like a cornered animal.

"Let me go! Let me Go!" He screamed and pleaded, only to be ignored.

As if he was not disturbed enough, Egon could feel the creature sniffing him and smelling him like a demented animal; wishing for it to stop. The Boogieman man just made a pleased sound as he stopped and grinned again.

"Your fear... It smells so Delectable." The creature spoke with pleasure in his voice. "I haven't had fear like this in sixty years! I'm going to enjoy getting it out of you, and I'm going to savour every bit."

Egon stared in terror as the Boogieman just laughed; giving him that horrible cold feeling in his stomach again. In a swift motion, the boogieman grabbed Egons collar and carried him somewhere else. All Egon could make out was a dim room with an uneven colour scheme on its walls. Egon struggled as the boogieman grabbed a chain and tied it around his wrist.

"I'm just going to leave you here for a bit." The large headed monster spoke with an eerie grin as he backed away. "Then we're going to have some fun."

Egon just turned pale as the creature let out another cackle as he left Egon alone and chained to the wall of the room. Egon shouted and tried to run to the door. But he was quickly reminded of his bondage when he slipped on the cold hard floor. Egon tried to pull on the chain but it was no use. The boy just began to hyperventilate as he felt his heart pounding out of confusion and fear.

"This can't be happening. This can't be happening!" He repeated as he curled up and sat against the wall. "This has to be a dream!"

Egon buried his face in his hands and slowly began sob and cry. Everything was happening too fast and it was all too much for his mind to comprehend.

"It's More like a nightmare then a dream."

Egon froze when he heard a voice. But it was not the horrid voice of the Boogieman. It was an almost comforting voice that sounded like a woman with a light English accent.

"W-who's there?" Egon stuttered out of fear of the unknown voice.

Egon got no reply.


All he heard was the familiar sound of a cat. Egon looked up from his curled up position; seeing a blurry dark grey shape. Egon stared for a second before realising that it was a cat sitting in front of him. The boy flinched as it came up to him and put something in front of him. Egon hesitantly reached for the object; gasping when he felt what it was. A pair of glasses.

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