Untitled Part 12

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AN: So. guys. I don't know how many or if anyone is actually reading this. But if you are, I would appreciate it if you left a comment maybe? It's just that people saying something about my writing actually motivates me to continue and I feel like no one is reading this because no one is saying anything or leaving a kudos. Honestly, it makes me want to give up. But anyway enjoy the chapter.


Egon cautiously took a step through the first door as it led to the first challenge. He was expecting something morbid and disturbing to appear in front of him; something to make his skin crawl or chills go down his spine. But it was not.

Egon was met with confusion when he found himself in the Polanski's house. He blinked as he observed the familiar surroundings; knowing this was fake. He could see out the window of the kitchen that there was nothing but a black void instead of a garden and no sign of the old married couple. Egon quickly noticed that the colours of the living room were slightly duller then what the real thing was. Quickly dismissing it, Egon decided to look around for the first soul. But it brought up the question. What does a soul look like?

Egon walked passed the cupboard of antiques and teapots as he decided to try the kitchen first. But a small noise made him stop in his tracks. Egon listened as he heard a quiet cracking noise coming from the cupboard. The boy turned around and slowly made his way over. He looked into the glass window of the cupboard and blinked in confusion when he noticed something.

The teapots were shaking. Egon watched with question as the porcelain object began shaking faster without reason.

"What?" He questioned in his head.

But the teapots began to crack loudly. The boy took a step back and gasped as what looked like spider legs sprouted out from the bottom of the teapots while large cracks in the middle turned into angry and yellow glowing eyes. Egon felt his spine tingle when the sentient teapots all turned and stared right at him. His anxiety went through the roof when he heard hissing coming from them.

Before he could do anything, one of them charged and banged itself against the glass; giving itself more cracks as it made inhuman noises. Egon realised what was happening and ran to the kitchen just before the cupboard gave in and opened; letting the demonic teapots free to chase the intruder. Egon climbed on the dining room table as he tried to think of something to ward off his pursuers.

"Come on, Egon; think!" He pressured himself as the spider teapots began to surround the table.

Egon looked down to see the creatures hissing at him. He gasped as two of them started climbing the table legs with sharp claws. Egon quickly looked around the kitchen for anything he could use as a weapon; knowing trying to run from them would waste time. Egon looked at the kitchen counter and noticed something. A meat tenderiser was sitting there. The boy looked down at the teapots as they continued to climb up the table; now very close to the top. Egon gave them an angered look before jumping off the table and running towards the counter. The teapots hissed as they turned around to go after Egon, but the boy quickly grabbed the meat tenderiser. With quick movement, Egon swung the tool downward as one of the teapots crawled towards his feet. With a loud crash, the teapots shattered into pieces of broken porcelain and dismembered spider legs. Egon quickly did this with the other teapots; shattering them one by one. But one of them was too fast for him and latched onto his pant leg.

Egon almost screamed as the teapots quickly crawled up his leg and up his shirt. Egon tried shaking it off before it latched onto his collar and grabbed the ring Mr Polanski gave him. Egon grabbed the spider teapot and threw it against the floor; smashing it as it let out an inhuman shriek. Egon took a few breathes as he looked down at the mess of porcelain and spider legs. But he blinked in confusion as he picked up the ring that fell to the floor and looked at it.

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