Chapter 7

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Nobody's P.O.V


Another normal day in the guild. Well as normal as a day in the Fairy Tale guild can get. Natsu sat alone at a table, head resting. 

Three months almost passed and Lucy still hadn't returned. He missed his partner in crime. His best friend. His lover. He always assumed the wort but had faith that she was strong enough to protet herself.

A sudden gust of wind and a loud ring shut the guild up. A huge portal opened up in the middle of the guild. In place of the portal stood Lucy looking beatiful as ever.

Natsu ran to Lucy."LUCY!"

He picks her up and twirls her around. Then he gives her a big hug."God im glad your back"

"me too"

Then they both start making out earning a couple groans from the guild.

"Get a room already!"

"We will!"Natsy replys holding Lucy by the waist

"Oh Natsu"

Her voice echoed through his head

Natsu's P.O.V

I woke up breathing heavely. I look around. This isnt my home this is..this is...Lucy's.

My breathing relaxes as I realize it was just a dream, the dream I alwayes had since she left.

I get up and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. I looked horrible. I had bags under my eyes. My eyes were sunken in as well. I looked as pale as a vampire!

I wash my face, eat breakfast and head to the guild. That was always my routine. Wake up from dream, wash face/shower,eat breakfast and go to the guild.

As I enter the guild everyone seems to be happier. Curious I head over to Mira, who has a giant grin on her face.

"Hey Mira....whats with the happy mood?"

"Oh hi Natsu! Oh and Lucy wrote to us saying she was coming back in two weeks! Exciting right!"She says

"Yeah exciting"I say kind of depressed

Mira being the person she is notices and frowns."Arent you excited to see Lucy?"

"I am! Trust me I am. Its just why was I the last one to find out? Why didnt I get a letter? A bunch of whys are going through my head I..I just need to go."And I start to walk toward the exit

"Wait Natsu! Just...Just check your home....the one you shared with Happy"she says

I take a deep sigh at the mention of Happy. He had gone missing the day Lucy left. I wasnt as worried because I had a feeling Happy left with Charle[a/nCarla your pick] on her trip, but I still missed him.

"Fine, I'll go check"

"Bye Natsu see ya later!"


I enter my old home. As I enter and turn on the lights I cant belive whos standing there.


"Hello Natsu"

so so so so so sorry! i havent had my phone for a while so I couldnt write u can hit me with a frying pan tangled style or any other way to kill me or hurt me

I dont own Fairy Tail Just the story!!!

sorry for spelling errors!


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