Chapter 3

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Lucy's POV

Natsu's inching closer and closer to me. His eyes moved up and down my body. I keep moving back until he corned me into the wall.

He stops a couple steps in front of me and places one hand next to my head."Don't be scared I won't hurt you"

"I'm not scared. I just don't appreciate being taken dickhead."I mutter the last part quietly to myself but oh joy guess who has super hearing?

"You wanna play like that alright then, Im sorry I had to do this, but..."

I look at his eyes I've seen that look before. The eyes of a man with no mercy. 

"N-Natsu you wouldn't?"I say.

" I would" he says turning to face me.

I dip under his arm and try to run out the room." No way in hell am I gonna- " he grabs me by my waist and throws me onto my bed."AHHHH STOP IT!!"

[hehe cliffhanger]

Levy's POV

I can't belive what just happened last night.

My hand automatically goes to my neck.

~~~~~~Flash Back~~~~~~

Levy was cooking for Gajeel. It had been like that since he 'kidnapped' her but he calls it more like aggresively taking someone. But to her there was no diffrence.

While cooking, a pair of hands land on Levy's hips. Startled, Levy lets out a high-pitched yelp and jumps a little.

She turns around and ses Gajeel holding in a laugh. She glares at him and goes back to cooking.

"Hey you're still not mad right?"he says turning her to face him again

"No of course not, who doesnt like getting 'aggresively taken' by someone" she answers sarcastically

Gajeel smirks and tastes the sauce  she was warming up." Mm, taste good, though you'd taste better."

Levy bit her lip." I think I'm ready."

Gajeel's eyes widened." Are you sure?"


And he throws her over his shoulder like a towel.

~~~~~End Of Flash Back~~~~~

I turn on to my left side and see Gajeel sleeping peacefully with his arm around me.

I smile.'I guess being his mate wont be so bad after all'

'Whats that suppose to mean?'

'Damn it forgot about the stupid telepathy thing'

"You can be so forgetful its not even funny"

I look at his face and smile. He had crazy bed-hair.

I giggle." Nice hair"

"Same goes for you shrimp"

We both start to laugh.

End of chapter





nahh im kidding

Lucy's POV


"No!" He says laughing.

I push him so that I'm on top of him. I pin his arms above his head." Enough!"

"You're no fun." He pouts.

I release his arms and move my hair to one side. A strand of blonde hair loosens itself and falls to the other side of my face.

Nasty reaches up to move it behind my ear. " You're so beautiful Luce."

Caught off guard I feel the heat rise to my cheeks. "Don't just say it like that." 

We laugh but at one point we stop and just stare into each other's eyes, his onyx ones on my brown ones.

I begin to lean down when I feel a pinch on my neck. My hand reaches for it and I pull out a metallic tooth pick sized dart. I stare at Natsu and I see his eyes shift from worry to anger.

The world begins to shift and dip. Stars danced in my vision. My body felt heavy.



I wake up with a throbbing pain in my head. I sit up and the first thing I notice is my usual pink and white checkered sheets were now a blood red. Also I couldn't possibly afford silk sheets.

I get out of it and walk over to the door. I try to open it but its locked.

I bang on the door."Hello?! Is anybody there?!"

"Sorry but no can see somebody gave me special intructions to deal with you" I hear a voice say

"Was it Natsu? Tell him to came talk to me!"

"Your pink-friend? No im afraid not somebody else but I will ask the master if you can meet your friend"

"It's salmon! And who is it then?!"I ask impatiently

"You will find out soon miss just hang tight" and i hear him walk away

"Let me out!" I kick the door fully knowing it was pointless. I slide down the door frustrated and useless.


I look around.'N-Natsu?'

'Oh thank Mavis your okay! Those bastards are gonna get it!'

'Wait where are you? What happened?'

'I'll explain later just wait for me Im coming!'

.'Please come fast I don't have my keys.'

'I will! Hold tight. Get some rest you'll need it'

I head for the bed and lay down.

'Goodnight Natsu'

'Goodnight Luce sweat dreams'

With that i dozed off into a deep sleep.


Hoped you liked it!

I dont own Fairy Tail Just the story.


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