Chapter 9

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Natsu's P.O.V


"Hi Natsu"

I walk over to her and caress her face."Im not I?"

A tear runs down her face."No"

I hug her as tightly as I can.

"I missed you so much" I hear her say

"I missed you more"

She pulls back and looks at me. I lean in and kiss her.

Lucy's P.O.V

The kiss

The emotions of being separated for so long.
The feeling of longing of each other's touch.
The undeniable love felt between us.
It couldn't have been more clear.

He wanted me and I wanted him just as much.

We pull away, breathing heavily with our foreheads pressed together.

He pulled me into a tight embrace." Never leave again."

I smile, feeling a warm feeling grow inside of me." I don't plan on it."

He pulls away and grabs my hand." The guild is gonna he so excited to see you!! We have so many questions for you!"

I giggle at his sudden burst of energy." I'm sure you all do!"

I hop on his back and pat his head." To the guild mighty dragon!"

I see him shake his head and he laughs." Of course my fair maiden!"

And we burst out of his home running.


It didn't take long till we arrived at the guild.

I hop off his back and walk toward the closed doors.

I feel a small tug on my hair and turn to face Natsu.

"Your's so long." He says mesmerized.

I laugh." Yea that tends to happen when you don't cut it for a while."

He rolled his eyes." What a shame. Here I thought your attitude improved."

I punched him in the gut and walked into the guild.

Heads turned and the guild is quite staring.

"I'm back!!!" I yell and everyone charges in for a group hug.


I'm engulfed by the guilds hug. I laugh as I feel tears threaten to fall.

I missed this.

I missed them.

"Alright!! Back it up! Give her some space!" I hear Natsu y'all and everyone begins to back away.

I laugh and I hear Mira yell." Let's give her the proper Fairy Tail welcome back!"

Everyone cheered loudly and I was ushered into a crowd.

I suddenly felt a weight on my back and a loud yell." LU-CHAN!"

"Levy!!!" I yell back and hug her tightly.

"Why did you have to leave me." She said in obvious sadness.

"I know I'm sorry but I'm back." I said crying with her.

After our little melt down we enjoyed the rest of the night laughing and drinking. (The drinking mainly done by the guild not I)

Half way through the night I noticed Natsu had gone missing.

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