Chapter 5 - Compatible

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Logan couldn't believe his eyes. After years of reading what he thought to be fictional books about mythical creatures, a fairy had appeared in the middle of the room.

Looking around, Logan saw that the others were just as suprised as he was.

Roman stood with his mouth ajar, staring at the small figure with wide eyes.

Virgil was clutching a curtain so hard his knuckles began turning white. He was shaking from head to toe.

Patton seemed the least affected by the fairy's sudden appearance. He was smiling so hard you could see almost all his teeth. He had also clasped his hands together and started bouncing on his toes.

"Aww! You're so cute! I love your rainbow colored hair!" Patton gushed.

The fairy rolled their eyes.

While Patton squealed, Roman came to his senses. He had a slightly different outlook on the situation.

"Who are you and how did find us?" Roman said, sizing up the fairy.

"I am Talyn, Wizard Joan's serv- friend." They said, and gave a low bow.

The fairy took off the black hat they were wearing and held it open. Suddenly, a face popped out of it. "The Great Wizard Joan of the Mighty Mountains, if you please!"

"I don't please..." Talyn muttered.

"Salutations!" Logan said excitedly. "You don't happen to be the Wizard Joan. The one that wrote Life and Times of a Magical Creature? Are you?"

"You know," Roman whispered to Patton. "I don't really see Logan reading that."

Joan laughed. "Ahh, I see I have an admirer. That is me, and I have come to provide some news."

"Before Joan continues," Talyn interrupted. "I want to warn you. I doubt you will believe this, but... you are all part of one person." They looked at the sides nervously.

"I'm sorry, but I don't compute." said Logan with a confused look on his face.

"This... will take a while to explain." Talyn said. "Find a seat and make yourself comfortable."

The kings all grabbed a chair, (from the messy pile in front of the room, thanks to Roman.) and sat, listening intently.

They then learned that a dark magician named Dareth would be coming to attack the kingdoms and rule over the world.

However, after telling the whole story, Patton was more excited to hear what part of Thomas each of them were from. "Can you believe this guys? We're all related!"

"If by related you mean the same person, then yes, we are." Logan said, none too happy.

Roman held up his hands, "Quiet pesants! I must know who I truly am."

"Well, Roman, you are Thomas's creativity-"

"YES! I knew I was the most important!"

"Not remotely," Logan stated. "Every aspect is essential to one's personality." Roman rolled his eyes and looked away.

"As you can probably tell," Talyn said. "Logan you are-"

"Logic? I have been well aware of my rational tendencies."

"Oh... okay," the fairy paused. "Patton! You're morality."

Patton clapped his hands. "Oh goodie!"

Logan nodded curtly. "Ah, I figured he would embody more than simply a sense of morality. Patton sounds like it comes from the same root word as Pathos, which is, as everyone knows, the appeal to emotion."

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