Chapter 14 - Bad Guy

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Virgil knew something was off when they found Logan walking back to camp with a smile. He said that he had been off on a nature hike, at three in the morning?

No, there was definitely something wrong with Logan. Virgil could tell that Patton was a bit worried too. But he didn't show it easily.

Roman was suspicious, but seemed glad Logan had returned. "I've got something for you, Logan."

Logan smiled, which Virgil found strange. "Ooh! What is it?"

Roman grabbed the herbs that Logan had dropped the other day and handed them to him.

"Uhh, what are these for?" Logan asked, a confused look on his face.

The others glanced at eachother in shock. Virgil spoke up. "You dropped them yesterday after we hadn't watched the pot of water."

Logan stared at Virgil. "Oh. Well, I must have forgotten. Let's pack up and get an early start on the day, shall we?" He walked over to his stuff and started to clean up.

The others looked at each other and then back at Logan. "You've been up all night and expect us to start the adventure when we still have three hours of dark left?" Roman shouted over at him.

Logan shrugged. "I'm good, but if you guys need more sleep, be my guest."

Virgils eyes widened. Logan had just spoken without using any large words.

"Patton?" The side looked over at him. "We need to talk."

Virgil and Patton walked away from the other two and sat down on a log. "What's up, kiddo?"

"You know perfectly well why I need to talk to you." Patton gulped.

"You know Logan better than anyone else-"

Patton interrupted. "Oh, I wouldn't say that..." Virgil held up a hand to silence him.

"Better than Roman and I." Patton shrugged in agreement. "Do you know what's wrong with him?"

"Well..." Patton paused. "I don't know what's wrong with him, but I can point out different factors about how I know he's not okay." He looked at Virgil, who nodded.

"He's acting like he doesn't remember what happened last night, he's far too cheerful, he didn't follow his consistent sleep schedule last night, and wants us to begin the quest while it's still dark out." Patton said in one breath.

Virgil looked down. "And what does that mean to you?"

Patton sighed. "I don't think that's the Logan I know and love."

"So... are you saying he's just not acting like himself, or that that person is literally not Logan?"

"I- I don't think that's Logan." Patton looked up at Virgil. "But I could be wrong."

Roman walked over to the men sitting off to the side. "Did you see what Logan did with the plants I gave him?!" The two stared at him blankly.

Roman continued when he didn't get a response. "He chucked them into the woods!" He sat down next to them with a huff. "What're you two losers talking about?"

Virgil sighed. "What do think about Logan currently?"

Roman paused to consider the question. "Hmm, well, he seems to have forgiven us from yesterday, but he's acting really strange."

"Like, he doesn't remember what even happened?" Virgil questioned.

Looking down at his hands, Roman sighed. "I don't understand."

Patton put his hand on Roman's. "You don't understand what, kiddo?"

"I don't get what's up with Logan. He's acting like an entirely different person!" Roman slipped his hand out of Patton's and hugged himself.

Virgil leaned forward and played with a stick in the dirt, tracing lines. Patton looked over at what he was doing. "Wow! You're a really good artist, Virge!"

Virgil shrugged. "Is that Logan?" Patton asked.

"Yeah, I guess. I wasn't really thinking about what I was drawing." Virgil glanced down at his art. He surprised himself every day.

"Should we do something about this imposter?" Roman asked after a moment.

Patton folded his hands in his lap. "What would we do about it?"

Virgil looked over, waiting for an answer from Roman.

"Uh, we could confront him and say that we know he's not really Logan?"

"Then what?" Virgil asked. "Why would this person admit that he isn't Logan and bring him back?"

Roman ran his hands through his hair, messing it up more than it already was. "I dunno."

They sat in silence, wondering what they were going to do. Logan strode over to them. "Having a party without me, huh?" He sat down next to Virgil who scooted away, closer to Patton.

"What's wrong? I'm not going to hurt you, Virgil."

"I'm not so sure about that..." Virgil whispered loud enough for only Patton to hear him.

Eyes growing in fear, Patton stood up and pushed Virgil behind him. "I won't let you harm my little kiddos!"

Logan laughed. "I'm not here to hurt anyone!" Patton looked around nervously.

Standing up, Logan walked over to the group slowly. Patton backed up, holding his arms over Virgil and Roman protectively.

"Come now, aren't we friends?" Logan looked at Patton and smiled.

Virgil started panicking as the group slowly backed away, he was having a hard time breathing.

Logan suddenly stopped and put up his arms in surrender. "I don't know what's gotten into you guys!"

"What's gotten into you?" Virgil asked quietly.

Logan turned his gaze on Virgil, who shrunk back and hid behind Patton. "Nothings wrong with me. I'm perfectly fine!" He laughed. "Honestly, what's going on?"

Roman stepped around Patton's arm, ignoring his protests. "Come on, fess up! We know you're not really Logan."

The man's eyes widened and he removed his glasses to clean them. I don't know what it is you're talking about."

"You know perfectly well what I'm talking about!" Roman shouted and ran at Logan.

Virgil squeaked in surprise and Patton jumped forward in an attempt to stop Roman, but missed.

Roman wheeled his fist back and threw a punch at Logan. However, his arm stopped, in midair. He stared at it in surprise.

Logan chuckled softly to himself. "You want me to be the bad guy?"

Virgil watched in horror as Roman slowly got lifted into the air by some unknown source.

"Well, fine. Now I'm the bad guy."


I don't really know what to say. Thanks for reading, but then I realize that most of the views are probably just Deborahdelasrosas and I looking back on what we wrote. So if you're someone else reading this, thanks. That means a lot.


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