Chapter 27. Halloween.

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Andy's POV

"Seriously Andy, do we have to go in public dressed like this." Aiden asks me.

I chuckle. "A bet is a bet." I say to him something he'd say to me every time he'd win and I tried backing out. "Besides I think we look cute." I say.

"I don't want to look cute. I want to look sexy." Aiden says wiggling his eyebrows.

I laugh at his remark. "You do babe." I tell him.

"Don't patronize me Andy." Aiden says.

"Don't patronize me Andy." I mock him.

He flips me off.

We head downstairs, and outside to his truck.

We head over to the school where there is a Halloween dance.

We head over to the school where there is a Halloween dance

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"Baby I love you, but you suck." Aiden says as we walk into the school.

I have to pull him into the gym and he laughs.

When we find Jason, Justin, Sophie, Danielle, Caleb, Amanda, Leah and Drew we approach them.

Jason is bent over laughing hysterically at Aiden.

"Are you done?" Aiden asks him.

Jason is bent over holding his knee's for support he stops laughing raises a finger up and says "Almost." He then proceeds to bend back over and laugh. "Okay, Okay I'm done." He says quickly when Aiden shoves him.

Aiden pulls me to the dance floor away from everyone probably tired of being picked on.

"You must really love me." I chuckle.

"Oh I do baby but I could kill you right now." Aiden says and chuckles.

I smile brightly at him and he rolls his eyes.

When the dance is over we head out of the school. "Let's go change first." I tell him.

He looks at me confused. "Why?" He asks.

"Eh. I think I've tortured you long enough." I smile at him devilishly and he laughs.

We go back to my place and change our clothes quickly into civil clothes.

We get into the truck and head over toward's the old cornfield where we have most of our drinking parties.

It's amazing really that we never got busted out there for under age drinking.

We're the only one's who are in regular clothes.

"What the hell?" Justin asks looking at us.

"I've made him feel ridiculous enough for one night." I explain and they all laugh.

"I don't know what ya'll are talkin' about I think Peter Pan rocks." He smirks as he throws an arm around my shoulder and everyone laughs.

"If that's the case let's go back home and change." I say.

"No way in hell you'll have to kill me first." Aiden says darkly. 

I laugh. "I'm gonna go get us a couple beers." I tell him.

I go over to where the drinks are.

"I never would of humiliated him like that, god you're such a loser." Samantha says.

"Don't you ever get tired of it? Competing with me? Obviously I won I'm the one with him not you he never even wanted you, you were just a distraction from who he really wanted which was me and you fucking hate it. I personally think it's hilarious." I say smiling at her like a complete bitch.

"Aggghhhh!" She screams and lurches toward's me I step aside and she goes flying onto the table and her head land's in spiked punch. I laugh and walk away from her.

I'm not even in the mood to fight with her tonight, I'm tired of fighting.

When I get a couple feet I realize Aiden is standing there watching me in amazement.

"What?" I ask once I get in ear shot of him.

"I saw and heard most of that. You actually restrained yourself, are you okay?" He asks and laughs.

I laugh. "I'm fine, I'm just tired of fighting with her it's old and childish."

He claps his hands. "Wow you deserve a round of applause for that." He says

I shove him in the chest and laugh.

We go back over to our friends.

"What the hell was that about?" Drew asks.

"The bitch is crazy." I tell him. "Just bitching at me as usual cause she's jealous." 

The night continues to flow smoothly after that. Samantha left embarrassed after her incident.

By one in the morning Aiden and I decide to leave too.

We go back to his place and quietly make our way upstairs, which isn't nearly as hard as normal because we didn't get very drunk.

Aiden changes into shorts and I put one of his shirt's on.

I climb into bed next to him and lay down on my back.

"I'm sorry." I say to him.

"For what?" He asks confused.

"Making you dress like that." I whisper.

"A bet's a bet." He says. "Which reminds me." He says it as he travels his eyes down my body stopping between my legs which automatically gets hot and wet. "I do believe there was more to that bet." He whispers.

I laugh. "We don't have too tonight." I say.

"A bet's a bet." He says climbing between my legs 

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