How you meet

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You have just transferred to a new school, and it's your first day there, at Domino High. A girl comes up and introduces herself as Téa. She seems friendly. You introduce yourself and you two talk for a while. Suddenly, you realize it's time to get to your first class of the day. 

"Sorry, Téa, but I gotta go!" You say, walking backward. 

"(Y/N), look out!" Your new friend yells. Just as you turn around, you run into...


...someone's chest. Geez, somebody's tall, you think looking up to meet a pair of blue eyes. 

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." You say, with a sheepish smile. The guy just glares at you. 

"Who do you think you are, girl?You think you can just run into the great Seto Kaiba?"

 Suddenly, all the anger you had at moving to a new school, leaving all your friends behind, your parents' death, just explodes.

 "Hah, great, second person I meet, and it's some egotistical moron with the personality of a dead fly. I thought my luck couldn't have gotten much worse, what with my parents dying and all, but I guess I was wrong. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be going now." You say. The man looks shocked as you walk away.


...a small boy, knocking him over. 

"Oh, crap! I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" You ask, helping him up. 

"Yeah, I'm okay." He says in a sweet voice. Once you help him up, he asks your name. 

"Uh, (Y/N)." You reply, nervous of saying the wrong thing. 

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)! My name's Yugi!" Then the bell rings. 

"Sorry! I gotta go, bye!" 

You yell, waving before dashing in the opposite direction.


...a desk, conveniently placed in the middle of the hallway.

"What idiot put this here?" You grunt in pain. 

"Are you alright, miss?" A voice from behind you asks.

 "I'm fine, I think." You reply, rubbing your hip, which had hit the desk. 

"Are you sure, miss...?" You nod. 

"(L/N). (Y/N) (L/N)." You reply. He smiles.

 "I'm Yami. Nice to meet you." Then, you remember what you'd been doing before running into the desk. 

"Oh! I have to get to class! See you later... Yami, right?" 

The guy nods. You turn and sprint in the direction of the first class.


...Somebody's shoe, causing you to trip. But right before you hit the floor, someone catches you by the arm and steadies you. You turn to see a... boy? Someone with long white hair. 

"Uh... thanks," you mutter.

"That's quite all right. My name's Ryou." The boy replied.

"Mine's (Y/N)," you say, quietly. "I've got to get to class." You mutter, then duck past Ryou down the hall.


... someone or something with a head of very fluffy white hair. 

"Watch where you're going unless you're looking for trouble." Said the white-haired man

"S-sorry!" You apologize, before dashing off. 


...a problem with your shoe laces. You trip, but you don't fall on the ground. Whatever this is, it's too soft to be the ground. 

"At least take me on a date first." Says a voice from under you. 

"Ugh!" You yell, getting off a man with green eyes and black hair. He stands up. 

"The name's Duke Devlin. And you are..." 

Dusting off your school uniform, you reply, "(Y/N)." He smirks. 

"Hope to see you again sometime, (Y/N)." You raise an eyebrow, not amused by his actions, nor the girls following him around like lovesick puppies who are currently fussing over him, making sure he's okay. 

"That's all well and good, but I've gotta get to class." You say, pushing past a few fangirls on your way through the crowd. 


...someone's back. The blonde man turned around. 

"Oh hey," he greeted. 

"Uh... sorry for running into you. My name's (Y/N)." You grin sheepishly, scratching the back of your head. The man shakes his head. 

"No problem. The name's Joey." The bell rang. 

"Crap!" The two of you yelled in unison. 

"Bye Joey!" You yelled, running off. 


...some random girl in the hallway. 

"S-sorry!" You apologize, then run past. You swore you could feel a pair of eyes on your back as you dashed toward class. You turned to see a tan boy looking at you. He waved. You waved back. Then the bell rang. You run as fast as you can to get to the next class, managing to get there just as the teacher calls your name. 

"Here." You say, a little out of breath. The boy had followed you all the way to class. It was his class too, after all, and you guys were sat next to each other. You found out that this was Marik. He seemed okay. 


...a tall guy. This is definitely not a student. He is not dressed for school. 

"Step carefully, or I'll send you to the shadow realm."

"O-kay..." you say, then walk past him to your first class.

Hey guys! This is only my second Yu-Gi-Oh fanfiction, so feel free to tell me if something is wrong, especially a grammar error! I'll probably update this every week, or maybe 2 weeks. I do have a life outside the internet, so I can't update every day. I'll let you guys know when I'm taking requests. If I'm going off the grid, I'll tell you and post a few chapters in advance. Thanks for reading, bye!


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