Asking you out

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You have been hanging out with Yugi and his friends for a few months now. As you're finally getting used to your parents being gone and living with your grandmother, you decide to get to know the city a little by taking walks every day. However, one day, as you're walking around, something strange happens. You were just wandering through the city, minding your own business, when...

"Hey!" a voice yells from behind you. You pull off your headphones. "Hi there, hello!" The strange man greets you enthusiastically. Maybe even a bit too much so.

"Are... you talking to me?" you ask politely.

"I seriously am, babe." Why is he calling me that? He doesn't even know my real name. "Can you point a bro in the right direction?" (Does anyone know where I'm getting the dialogue? :P) 

"I'll try," you respond quietly.

"I'm looking for a place where the most bodacious babes in Domino City, such as yourself, go to chill, ya know?" Is he hitting on me?

"There's a restaurant down the street a few blocks, or... hey, you could always try Duke Devlin's game shop." Having barely a grasp of how to navigate the city, let alone where any "bodacious babes" might hang out, you try your best.

"Right on! So, you wanna tag along? I'm paying!" He offers. Okay, now I KNOW he's hitting on me.

"I'd rather not, but thanks anyway." you say, about to turn and get far away from whoever this is. Instead, he puts an arm around your shoulder.

"Aw, come on. I just wanna hang out!" he says, which seems a little creepy to you. You're about to contradict him, but a voice from behind you beats you to it.

"What do you think you're doing?" it asks. You turn to see none other than the millionaire CEO you ran into on the first day of school, Kaiba.

"Hey, Kaiba." you say, a little quietly. 

"What's your deal, bro?" asks the guy.

"Didn't you hear me, (Y/N)? I asked what you're doing." Kaiba says, not acknowledging the creepy guy.

"This guy asked me if I wanted to go hang out with him... sorta," you reply. Kaiba grunts in response.

"Hey! Quit ignoring me, ya moron." This gets Kaiba's attention.

"Loud-mouthed fool, aren't you? First, you go hit on this poor girl, then you have the guts to call the CEO of the largest gaming company in Japan a moron." Ignoring the last comment, the guy opens his big fat mouth again to backtalk the taller man in front of you. He points to your hand.

"You see a ring, Richie Rich? 'Cause I sure don't." Kaiba chuckles at this.

"Her lack of marriage isn't an invitation for you to hit on her. She might be someone's girlfriend, like mine." 

"Wait, what?" The guy speaks your thoughts for you.

"Come on, babe, let's go." Kaiba says. You follow him, grateful for an excuse to put as much distance between yourself and the pervert as possible.

"So, did you mean what you said back there?" you ask, once you're far away from the creepy man.

"Did I mean what?" Kaiba asks, obviously avoiding the question.

"About... me being your girlfriend. Or was that just to get me away from that creep?"

"A little of both, I guess." he mutters, then sighs. "What happened back there, that was kind of your fault too. You've got sucker written all over you. You have to stop acting so... innocent. There are plenty more jerks like that around here, and they like going after people as beautiful as you." It takes a moment to process what he just said.

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