First Kiss

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After your second date, which had been great, Seto had driven you back to your grandmother's house. You were unlocking the door and turned around to thank Seto. When you turned, Seto had bent down and his face was only a few inches from yours.

"Seto...? What are you-" Seto cut you off by kissing you. 

In the meantime, your grandmother saw it all from out a window.

"They grow up so fast."


After what had happened when he asked you out, Yugi was nervous that Tristan and Joey were still spying on him. So when you asked if he wanted to go to the library, he saw it as the perfect chance. There was no way that Joey Wheeler would ever set foot in a library, unless maybe there was a girl or money involved. (lol but am i wrong) You were going to be looking at some books to check out, and just wanted to know if he wanted to come along. When you got there, you were greeted by a librarian.

"Would you like me to show you where the children's books are, young man?" Yugi's cheeks flushed, but he stayed calm.

"I... I'm 16, ma'am." 

"Oh!" the librarian exclaimed, "I really must apologize!" Yugi brushed it off.

"Happens all the time."

Later, you were looking at the books in the poetry section. There weren't many people around. You looked over at Yugi. He looked sad.

"Yugi, are you okay?" You questioned in a soft voice. He sighed.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." Yugi wasn't very convincing. "Why do I have to be so short?"

"It's okay. Even if you are short, I still love you." You gave Yugi a hug, then quietly gasped. "I think I know how to make you feel better!"


You leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips. Yugi was surprised, but he definitely felt better now. Thankfully, there were no bets this time.


Yami was a pretty confident guy in general, but that seemed to go to pieces around you. He was so afraid to make a fool of himself in front of you. He wanted to kiss you, but he wasn't sure he could get up the nerve.

One night, after a date, Yami was walking you home. There was nobody else at your house when you got there, so you figured your dad wouldn't come kill you both if you just gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

"You missed." You looked at Yami, confused.


"You missed." With that, Yami turned to face you and gave you a kiss straight on the lips.


One day, you and Ryou were going back to his house to study. It was going to help you both out a lot, as you both needed a little extra practice. As you walked into the door, you were greeted by the sight of his mother and a few other women sitting around a table, gossiping. They were probably her friends. They all said hello, obviously trying not to laugh.

"Mum...? What's so funny?" Ryou cocked his head to the side. You were both very confused when the women burst out laughing. "Will someone tell me what's going on?"

"Oh look," said one of the women. "What could that be?" She gestured to the ceiling, pointing out a small plant. Ryou facepalmed.

"You really went out and got mistletoe to get me to kiss her?" No one answered, they were too busy laughing. You gathered your confidence, went up beside Ryou, turned his face toward you, and kissed him. You could imagine his bright blush as the women started to cheer.


While peacefully walking home from school one day, someone pulled you into an alley. You struggled, but everything went black, for the second time in a week.

When you came to, you were in the warehouse-looking room. This time, though, it was not as dark in the room, making you assume you hadn't been unconscious for nearly as long. There was something in front of you. As your vision came back, you realized it was Bakura, of course. He was walking toward you, and stopped only inches away.

"Hey there, Crazy."

"Is that any way to greet your lover?"

"I don't know, is this?" You closed the small space between your faces, catching Bakura off guard.


Duke decided the day after the party that he had to show you that you're the only one for him. He went to your locker, trailed by fangirls as usual. You turned around, textbook in hand, only to see Duke, who you smiled at, and fangirls, who made you roll your eyes.

"Hey there, beautiful." He said in a deep voice that set off the fangirls.

"He was talking to me!" Shouted one.

"No, it was ME!" They began to argue.

"I told you to stop with the flattery, didn't I?" You asked sarcastically.

"But I won't."

"No, you won't." You agreed, as Duke edged closer. "I gotta get to class," you muttered, going past him. Duke caught your hand and pulled you back toward him. "Hey!"

"Not so fast." He said, then kissed you. The fangirls went wild.


Joey was angry. Someone had recently been teasing him for not having kissed you yet.

"You've been going out for 3 weeks and you still haven't kissed?!" Tristan was surprised. "No wonder that guy was teasing you."

"Can it, monkey boy!" Joey and Tristan began to trade insults again. It did get Joey thinking, though. Maybe he should make the first move.

That night, after your date, you had turned around to leave.

"W-wait!" You turned to see Joey, looking frozen. He clearly hadn't thought this far. "Can I... Can we... Um...?... SCREW IT!" Joey kissed you suddenly.


Marik, having lived in a tomb for most of his childhood, didn't have much in terms of social skills, let alone any skills with romance. On a date, you noticed he was very nervous.

"Are you okay?" Marik shook his head vigorously back and forth like a dog shaking off water.

"Yeah, I'm... fine." Marik sighed after saying this.

"Are you sure? It's just me, you don't have anything to worry about," you tried to reassure him. Little did you know, this made him more nervous.

"Hey, can we kiss?" You were startled by this. You looked away, turning red. Why did he have to be so straightforward?

"I-I guess so, if you want." With this, you kissed Marik right on the lips.


 One day, you got home from school to find an open window and Melvin, sitting in your chair.

"What are you doing... in my room?" Melvin chuckled, strode across the room, and gave you a passionate kiss. He broke away.

"That's what I'm doing in your room." He climbed out the window, leaving you confused and surprised.

Thanks for reading! Look for the next update on Tuesday next week!


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