Happy Days

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"Stop!" I shouted and thrashed around as our laughter filled our bedroom. My face hurt from smiling and my body hurt from the tensing and laughing.

"What's the magic word?" He asked and kept tickling my sides.

"Please?! Pleeeeaase!" I screamed through my laughter and he stopped. I looked into his blue eyes and laughed some more. He moved off of me and sat up on the bed.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it Marie?" He asked and I laughed. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up, so I was now sitting up as well.

"No Nick, I guess not." I answered and he ran his finger up and down my bare spine. Chills ran through my body and I couldn't help but physically shiver from his touch. I closed my eyes for a brief second but opened to see his. A mischievous glint in them and a smirk to go along with his look.

"God I love your face." He said and fell onto the bed, pinning me beneath him.

"Well that's good I guess." I laughed as he nibbles at my neck playfully and I pushed his shoulders. He got the hint and sat up, staring down at me.

"What?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing, but you gotta get off of me. I have to get to work soon." I said and glanced over at the clock.


"No!" I screamed and scrambled to get out of the bed. The chilly air hit my naked skin but I was too worried about being late to care about that. My foot got caught up in some piece of clothing and before I could catch myself, the ground caught my face.

"Baby?" Nicholas asked and I felt him help me up. I stared at him and slapped his chest.

"Your fault!" I shouted and ran to my closet. I quickly grabbed a sweater and other clothes needed.

"My fault? What did I do?" He asked and I growled whilst rolling my eyes and getting dressed.

"You distracted me! It's Monday morning and I don't want to create a bad reputation for myself!" I explained and quickly pulled up my leggings. I threw my shirt on over my head and put my hair up in a messy bun.

"Well you should've paid attention to the time silly. But don't worry. You get ready and I'll make you something to eat." He said. I rushed out of the closet but he kissed my head as I went past him.

"Thank you!" I hollered as I quickly rushed into my bathroom. The only make up I ever wore was some mascara and lip gloss, so that's all I put on. After I put on some deodorant and sprayed my perfume. I grabbed my tooth brush and tooth paste and ran out of the bathroom. On the floor I spotted my brown flats and grabbed them.

"Babe!" I hollered and rummaged around the room looking for it, "BABE!" I screamed and heard something drop.

"What?" He hollered back and I opened my nightstand.

"Where's my phone?" I shouted and no reply. I rolled my eyes and sat on the edge of my bed, pulling my flats on.

"Got it!" He hollered and I sighed, rushing out of my room. When I entered the kitchen he was putting cut up bananas on toast.

"Thanks babe." I said and snatched the toast along with my phone.

"Yep." He answered as I rushed towards the front door.

"Love you! See you later!" I hollered and ran through my door. I took a bite out of my toast and held my other things tightly. However, just then I realized I forgot my keys.

"Fuck." I groaned with my mouth full. I did a full 360 and sprinted towards my apartment. As soon as I opened the door Nicholas was standing there holding my keys. I grabbed them and turned back around running.

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