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The light sweeps over my face, causing me to stir in my sleep. However, when I feel a warm body next to me, I jolt up. My eyes widen as I look down to my left and see Dante sleeping peacefully. The bed looks almost untouched seeing as how we fell asleep on top of the covers.

"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself and lean forward, peeking at the clock on my little nightstand.

7:03 am

A sigh fills the air and I slowly crawl off of the bed. Right as I'm about to slide off, Dante moves. My head whips around and I look right into his chocolate eyes.

"Good morning." He mumbles, his voice extra deep and raspy from sleep. I just stare at him while he stretches his muscles, and flashes of our kiss run through my mind.

"Hey." I say quickly and get off the bed, rushing to my bathroom. I close the door a little harshly and lean against it, feeling my heart pound against my chest.

Why is he so sexy? Why did he kiss me? Why the heck do I have butterflies?

Questions bounce around in my head and I can hear Dante shuffling around in my room. Soon, there's a knock on the door and I slightly jump.

"Marie, you okay?" He asks, voice still raspy.

Oh god.

"Uhm, yeah. I, I'm fine." I blabber and look to my left at the vanity mirror. My cheeks bright red.


"Alright, well. I think I should go, I do-"

I rip the door open and look up at Dante who has a concerned look on his face.

"Um, sorry. Continue." I mutter and he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Oh, well I was just saying I should go. I don't wanna impose more than I already have. I didn't mean to fall asleep. I'm sorry." He finishes and reaches up, scratching the back of his neck. I look away, at my feet. Anywhere but at him.

"You didn't impose, but you should go. I need to get ready for work." I mumble and look back up at him. His scowl is set and he nods his head, forcing a small smile.

"Yeah, work. I gotta go home and get ready too. See you around I guess." He says, voice still raspy but sort of cold too. I just offer a small smile as he walks out of my room. Seconds later I hear the front door opening and closing. Once I know he's gone, I slide down the door frame and let out a huge sigh.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself and run my hands down my face.

What did I do?


"Marie, like I said. I understand, but if you're going to just ditch work you should at least tell me. I was worried." Mr. Wright says concerned as we walk through the office. I sigh and rub my hand on my thigh.

"I know, sir. I'm so sorry, just a lot happened and I couldn't come in. I promise to call in next time." I apologize and he pulls his office door open. I stand a few feet away from his desk and watch cautiously as he sits down and pulls out a couple folders.

"It's quite alright Marie, I understand. Now, I have a few files to go through about the new development in Greece. How about you take an early lunch." He suggests and I nod my head, while he looks up at me.

"Alright, will do. See you in an hour." I mumble and turn around, walking out of his office. I walk to the elevator, pushing the button and watch the lights as the elevator comes closer. I stare down at me feet and sigh, consumed by my thoughts. My train of through is interrupted by the little ding and I walk forward, stopping immediately when I run into a person. I look up and see Dante standing in front of me.

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